GATS definition

GATS means the Generation Attribute Tracking System developed by PJM-Environmental Information Services, Inc. (PJM-EIS).

Examples of GATS in a sentence

  • In respect of air transport services, this Chapter shall not apply to measures affecting air traffic rights or measures affecting services directly related to the exercise of air traffic rights, except as provided for in paragraph 3 of the Annex on Air Transport Services of GATS.

  • The definitions of paragraph 6 of the Annex on Air Transport Services of GATS shall apply and are hereby incorporated and made part of this Agreement, mutatis mutandis.

  • Any restriction to safeguard the balance of payments adopted or maintained by a Party under and in conformity with Article XII of GATS shall apply under this Chapter.

More Definitions of GATS

GATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services, contained in Annex 1B to the WTO Agreement; GATT 1994 means the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement; Harmonized System (HS) means the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, including its General Rules of Interpretation, Section Notes, and Chapter Notes, as adopted and implemented by the Parties in their respective tariff laws;
GATS means the PJM Generator Attribute Tracking System or any equivalent or successor system sanctioned by the NJ BPU for the purpose of registering and tracking SRECs.
GATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services in Annex 1B to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, done at Marrakesh, April 15, 1994, as may be amended;
GATS means the system owned and operated by PJM Environmental Services, Inc. to provide environmental and emissions attributes reporting and tracking services to its subscribers in support of Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Maryland Environmental Disclosure Requirements, along with requirements in other state jurisdictions.