Scalping definition
Examples of Scalping in a sentence
Scalping is prohibited whether or not you realize a profit from such a transaction.
Scalping is prohibited whether or not you realize a profit from such transaction.
To help prevent Front Running, Scalping, and other trading abuses and actual or potential conflicts of interest, no Employee of NYLIM (or account in which an Employee has any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership interest) may purchase or sell, directly or indirectly, Covered Securities without prior approval of the CCO or LCO (except pursuant to the exceptions in Section 3.2 below).
To help prevent Front Running, Scalping, and other trading abuses and actual or potential conflicts of interest, no Employee of MacKay (or account in which an Employee has any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership interest) may purchase or sell, directly or indirectly, Covered Securities without prior approval of Legal/Compliance (except pursuant to the exceptions in Section 3.2 below).
Scalping occurs when an Access Person purchases shares of a security for his/her own account prior to recommending/buying that security for Smith Group client and then immediately selling the shares at profit upon the rise in the market price following the recommendation/purchase.