Examples of Gender Policy in a sentence
The Supplier must comply with its obligations, if any, under the SPREP Gender Policy.
The Program will be implemented in compliance with the MCC Environmental Guidelines, the International Finance Corporation’s Social and Environmental Performance Standards (the “IFC Performance Standards”), the MCC Gender Policy and the MCC Gender Integration Guidelines and Operational Procedures.
Important among them include the following: (i) Gender Policy, (ii Affirmative Action Policy, (iii) Sexual Offenses Act (1998), and (iv) Action Plan against Gender Based Violence (since 2010).
The Funding Proposals submitted by the Accredited Entity will be reviewed and assessed by the Fund in accordance with the requirements under the Indigenous Peoples Policy, the Environmental and Social Policy, and the principles and requirements under the Updated Gender Policy.
Gender Focal Points now exist in each ministry, and MAFF has been particularly pro-active in drafting a Gender Policy in Agriculture Development.
Unless MCC and the Government agree otherwise in writing, the Government will ensure that all Projects and Activities undertaken, funded, or otherwise supported in whole or in part (directly or indirectly) by MCC Funding comply with the MCC Gender Policy and the MCC Gender Integration Guidelines.
Explain how.Response: As per Gold Standard Gender Policy, para 13(i) “Foundational gender-sensitive requirement - This strengthens Gold Standard’s ‘do no harm’ approach and addresses safeguards to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on women or men and girls and boys.
The fees charged for management are to cover the services to be provided by Lessor under the Form Lease and this Addendum.
This includes assessing gender impacts and risks, in compliance with the Gender Policy of the Fund.
In the area of HIV and AIDS, the National Gender Policy advocates for integration of gender concerns and issues in the prevention, treatment, care, support and mitigation of the impact of the pandemic.