Setting Out Sample Clauses

Setting Out a) The Contractor shall allow for establishing the necessary datums and levels at the commencement of the Works and shall set out the principle axes, corners, partitions, intersections and the like to the approval of the Director of Works. The approval of the Director of Works shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the accuracy of the setting out. b) The establishment of datums and levels, the initial and subsequent setting out, and the correction of lines and levels necessitated by the destruction or removal of pegs or marks, shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.
Setting Out. The Contractor must: set out the Works in accordance with the requirements of the Contract; and carry out any survey which may be necessary for this purpose.
Setting Out. Setting out the work as spelt out in clause 109 of Ministry’s Specification for Road and Bridge Works (2nd Revision) will be carried out by the Contractor.
Setting Out. The Contractor shall be responsible for: (a) the accurate setting-out of the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing, (b) the correctness, subject as above mentioned, of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Works, and (c) the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection with the foregoing responsibilities. If, at any time during the execution of the Works, any error appears in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on being required so to do by the Engineer, shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The checking of any setting-out or of any line or level by the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the accuracy thereof and the Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve all bench-marks, sight-rails, pegs and other things used in setting-out the Works.
Setting Out. The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the Works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing and for the correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labor in connection therewith. If, at any time during the progress of the Works, any error shall appear or arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor, on being required so to do by the Engineer, shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Setting Out. The edge of the surfacing shall be correctly marked by straight lines stretched between stakes driven at suitable intervals.
Setting Out. 11.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate setting-out of the Works in accordance with the Drawings, including lines, levels, positions, dimension, alignments, etc. of all parts of the Works. 11.2 Bench marks shall be established by UNICEF at all sites, and shall be available for the setting out. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting the bench marks at all times. 11.3 If at any time during the execution of the Works errors are found in this setting-out, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of UNICEF.
Setting Out. The Engineer shall determine any lines levels which may be required for the execution of the work and shall furnish to the Contractor by way of accurately dimensioned drawings such information as shall enable the Contractor to set out the Work at ground level. The Contractor shall set out and level the work and shall be responsible for the accuracy of the same. He shall provide all the instruments and attendance required by the Engineer for checking the work. He shall entirely at his own cost amend to the satisfaction of the Engineer any error found at any stage which may arise through inaccurate setting.
Setting Out. 13.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for: a) the accurate setting-out of the Works in relation to the original marks, lines and reference levels provided by the Engineer; b) the accuracy of the positioning, levelling, dimensioning and alignment of all parts of the Works; c) the provision of all necessary instruments, accessories and labour in connection with the foregoing responsibilities; and d) the review of the Engineering design and details of the Works; he shall inform the Contracting Authority of any mistakes or incorrectness in such design and details which would affect the Works. 13.2. If, at any time during the execution of the Works, any error appears in the positioning, levelling, dimensioning or alignment of any part of the Works, the Contractor shall, if the Engineer so requires, rectify such errors at his own cost and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, unless the error is based on inaccurate data supplied by the Engineer, in which case the Contracting Authority shall be responsible for the cost of rectification. 13.3. The checking of any setting-out or of any alignment or levelling by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the accuracy of these operations. The Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve all markers, sight rails, pegs and other items used in setting out the Works.
Setting Out. The Contractor shall do setting out of the Works on such dates as to permit timely commencement of the work. The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain all markers, buoys, shore beacons and other items necessary to define the Works and facilitate the inspection and measurement thereof. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain all licenses, permits and permissions for the use of marine radios, walkie-talkies, radio positioning systems, satellite phones for the placing of onshore, offshore and underwater beacons and marker buoys, and for giving the proper statutory notices for all maritime operators. The costs of such licenses, permits and notices are to be borne by the Contractor, and shall be deemed to be covered by the rates and prices quoted in the Tender. Engineer will extend every feasible assistance to Contractor to obtain and renew such permissions required from statutory authorities. The Contractor, with the Engineer's Representative in attendance, shall execute the setting out of the Works under Contract.