Examples of General Commercial zone in a sentence
All new construction and buildings in the General Commercial zone district where there are side yard setbacks or where one or more side yard setbacks is less than two and one half (2.5) feet per story of height.
He highlighted some accomplishments from the current Housing Element, which include zoning code changes to allow residential in BP zone, small lot housing ordinance, Sunrise Tomorrow Specific Plan, New Sylvan property, Rental Housing Inspection Program and a General Plan update to allow 40 units per acre in General Commercial zone.
Since the adoption of the previous Housing Element, changes to the City’s regulations were made to permit emergency shelters in the General Commercial zone as an allowed use and permit transitional housing in the Residential zones as an allowed use.
Regulation 13(1)(a) includes a list of possible permitted uses in the General Commercial zone which includes petrol stations.
Within the EC (East End General Commercial) zone only, unless otherwise prohibited, employee parking may be allowed within 1,000 ft.
It was noted whether the article was published in an open access or a subscription-based journal.
Neighbourhood Commercial zones are zones in which the primary use is a less intense form of development of that permitted in a General Commercial zone and which cater principally for the needs of persons resident in, or in the vicinity of, the zone (Regulation 13(b) 2017 Rev.)This proposal includes 26,080 sq.
Generally, warehouse storage is not a preferable use in the General Commercial zone as it does not represent the highest and best use of the land.
A proposal to establish a retail cannabis business consisting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Development Agreement (DA) within an existing 1,440 square-foot retail lease space within the C-1/C-P (General Commercial) zone located at 33980 Mission Trail, Suite #A (APN: 366-160- 070).
Regulation 13(1)(b) pertains to the Neighbourhood Commercial zone and it states that the primary uses are to be a less intensive form of development than that permitted in the General Commercial zone and the uses should cater principally to the needs of persons resident in, or in the vicinity of the zone.