Georgia Square Mall definition
Georgia Square Mall has the meaning provided in the Recitals above.
Georgia Square Mall has the meaning provided in the Recitals above. “Horizontal Infrastructure” has the meaning provided in Schedule 6.1 hereof. “IGA” has the meaning provided in the Recitals above.
Georgia Square Mall a largely vacant mall, is among these improvements. A legal description of the Site is contained on Schedule K attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Owner has control over the Site and the improvements thereon by means of a purchase and sale agreement with the current landowner (“PSA”).
Examples of Georgia Square Mall in a sentence
Owner proposes to build or cause to be built on the Site (defined below) a mixed- use development (the “Project”) that includes townhomes, multifamily apartments, active adult apartments, a retrofitted portion of the Georgia Square Mall (defined below) with retail and office, a new retail village, and a central green space.
The Project will incorporate the one retail tenant remaining at the Georgia Square Mall.