Grams per cubic metre definition

Grams per cubic metre means alluvial mineralization measured by grams of gold contained per cubic metre of material, a measure of weight of gold per volume of material.

Examples of Grams per cubic metre in a sentence

  • Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample.Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m2/day grams/metre2/day.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample.Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • Employee agrees that he will not provide information, make oral or written statements, or take any action that would cause the Company, the Bank, or the Bank Subsidiaries embarrassment or humiliation or otherwise cause or contribute to the Company, the Bank, or the Bank Subsidiaries being held in disrepute.

  • Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre of sample.Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • Collie, 1971 161 Notes (2 sheets) by Erwin Schrödinger, written in answer to a query after one of his lectures in Oxford [1933-36]; with an explanatory note by C.

  • Bund A wall around a tank to contain its contents in the case of a leak.Conductivity Conductivity, an indication of the level of dissolved salts in a sample, usually measured at 25°C and expressed in mS/m.DMA Dimethylamine.DMEA Dimethylethanolamine.Dioxins See PCDD.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample.FNU Formazin nephelometric units, a measure of the turbidity of waterFresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m2/day grams/metre2/day.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample.EPT Ephemeroptera (mayfly), Plecoptera (stonefly) and Trichoptera (caddisfly) which are macroinvertebrates sensitive to pollution.Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • A measure of the oxygen required to oxidise all matter in a sample by chemical reaction.Conductivity Conductivity, an indication of the level of dissolved salts in a sample, usually measured at 25°C and expressed in in µS/cm.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

  • DO Dissolved oxygen.EPT EPT represents three insect orders as a collective, grouping Ephemeroptera (mayfly), Plecoptera (stonefly) and Trichoptera (caddisfly) which are macroinvertebrate taxa.Fresh Elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall.g/m2/day grams/metre2/day.g/m3 Grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L).

Related to Grams per cubic metre

  • Cubic Metre means the volume of gas which occupies one cubic metre when such gas is at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, and at a pressure of 101.325 kilopascals absolute;

  • Adjusted EPS means earnings per share further adjusted for share-based payments, amortization of acquired intangible assets, items outside the normal scope of our ordinary activities (including other items, within selling, general and administrative expenses, losses/(gains) on items held at fair value and remeasurements through profit and loss, impairment losses on tangible assets, and impairment losses on intangible assets) and the related tax effects of these adjustments. Adjusted EPS provides a basis for comparison of our business operations between current, past and future periods by excluding items that we do not believe are indicative of our core operating performance. Adjusted EPS may not be comparable to other similarly titled metrics of other companies.

  • Rate of Gross Profit means the gross profit earned expressed as a percentage of the turnover during the period between the date of the commencement of the business and the date of the incident.

  • Adjusted Total turnover means the turnover in a State or a Union territory, as defined under sub-section (112) of section 2, excluding the value of exempt supplies other than zero-rated supplies, during the relevant period;

  • Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Metric means a) when referenced in the context of a Named User, the individual Named User category and type (and corresponding Named User definition setting for such Named User’s use rights) as further described in Section 2.1 hereof -and- b) when referenced in the context of a Package, the individual business metric corresponding with each Package as further described in Section 2.2 hereof;

  • Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.

  • Central Automatic Message Accounting (CAMA) Trunk means a trunk that uses Multi-Frequency (MF) signaling to transmit calls from CLEC’s switch to an AT&T-21STATE E911 Selective Router.

  • Cubic foot of gas means the amount of gas required to fill a cubic foot of space when the gas is at an absolute pressure of fourteen and seventy-three hundredths (14.73) pounds per square inch at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Maximum contaminant level goal or “MCLG” means the maximum level of a contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of safety. MCLGs are nonenforceable health goals.

  • Lowest achievable emission rate or “LAER” means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Average Monthly Limit means the maximum allowable "Average Monthly Concentration" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA when expressed as a concentration (e.g. mg/l); otherwise, it means "Average Monthly Discharge Limitation" as defined in Section 22a-430-3(a) of the RCSA.

  • Maximum Concentration Level Assessment means the Maximum Concentration Level Assessment for the purposes of a Basic Comprehensive Certificate of Approval, described in the Basic Comprehensive User Guide, prepared by a Toxicologist using currently available toxicological information, that demonstrates that the concentration at any Point of Impingement for a Compound of Concern that does not have a Ministry Point of Impingement Limit is not likely to cause an adverse effect as defined by the EPA. The concentration at Point of Impingement for a Compound of Concern must be calculated in accordance with O. Reg. 419/05.

  • EPS means earnings per share.

  • Usage Metric means the standard of measurement for determining the permitted use and calculating the fees due for a Cloud Service as set forth in an Order Form.

  • Established catalog price means the price included in a catalog, price list, schedule, or other form that:

  • Formula Price means the highest of: (a) the highest composite daily closing price of the Stock during the period beginning on the 60th calendar day prior to the Change of Control and ending on the date of such Change of Control, (b) the highest gross price paid for the Stock during the same period of time, as reported in a report on Schedule 13D filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or (c) the highest gross price paid or to be paid for a share of Stock (whether by way of exchange, conversion, distribution upon merger, liquidation or otherwise) in any of the transactions set forth in Section 9 of the Plan as constituting a Change of Control; provided that in the case of the exercise of any such Right related to an Incentive Stock Option, “Formula Price” shall mean the Fair Market Value of the Stock at the time of such exercise.

  • Gross laden weight means the actual weight of a vehicle or combination of

  • Minimum Level (ML means the concentration at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and an acceptable calibration point. The ML is the concentration in a sample that is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard analyzed by a specific analytical procedure, assuming that all the method-specified sample weights, volumes and processing steps have been followed.

  • Earnings Per Share means as to any Fiscal Year, the Company’s or a business unit’s Net Income, divided by a weighted average number of common shares outstanding and dilutive common equivalent shares deemed outstanding, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

  • Gross weight means the aggregate weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles and the load

  • Applicable Measurement Period means the most recently completed four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Issuer immediately preceding the Applicable Calculation Date for which internal financial statements are available.

  • Cumulative Net Loss Test With respect to any Payment Date, a test that will be satisfied if the Cumulative Net Loss Percentage does not exceed the applicable percentage indicated below: Payment Date occurring in the period Percentage March 2017 to February 2018 0.10% March 2018 to February 2019 0.20% March 2019 to February 2020 0.30% March 2020 to February 2021 0.40% March 2021 to February 2022 0.50% March 2022 to February 2023 0.60% March 2023 to February 2024 0.70% March 2024 to February 2025 0.80% March 2025 to February 2026 0.90% March 2026 to February 2027 1.00% March 2027 to February 2028 1.10% March 2028 to February 2029 1.20% March 2029 and thereafter 1.30% Current Accrual Rate: With respect to each Payment Date and any Reference Obligation, the lesser of (i) the related current Accounting Net Yield; and (ii) the related current mortgage rate thereon (as adjusted for any modifications) minus 0.35%.

  • average consumption means the average consumption of a customer of a municipal service during a specific period, and is calculated by dividing the total measured consumption of that municipal service by that customer over the preceding three months by three;

  • Revenue Growth means the percentage change in revenue (as defined in Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 6, published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board) from one period to another.

  • Capacity Export Transmission Customer means a customer taking point to point transmission service under Tariff, Part II to export capacity from a generation resource located in the PJM Region that has qualified for an exception to the RPM must-offer requirement as described in Tariff, Attachment DD, section 6.6(g).