Examples of Great Britain Pound in a sentence
Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s subsidiaries are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the subsidiaries operate (‘the functional currency’), which is the US dollar except the UK subsidiary which is the Great Britain Pound.
Functional and presentation currency Items included in the financial statements of the Company and the subsidiaries are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the subsidiaries operate (‘the functional currency’), which is the US dollar except for the UK subsidiary which is the Great Britain Pound.
The unit of measurement of Japanese Power Benchmarks is Yen (JPY) per KWh. The unit of measurement of British Power Benchmarks is Great Britain Pound (GBP) per MWh. The unit of measurement of all other Power Benchmarks is Euro (EUR) per MWh.
The service is made available to the customer through the Bank’s channels to enable internal and interbank money transfers in respect of Kenya Shillings, United States Dollars, Great Britain Pound and Euro accounts operated with the Bank.
The financial statements are presented in Great Britain Pound, which is the functional currency of the Company.
The Group’s foreign exchange exposure mainly arises from the conversion of Renminbi against US dollar, Great Britain Pound, Hong Kong dollar and Euro.
All references to “£” or “GBP” are to Great Britain Pound, the official currency of the United Kingdom.
Where appropriate the Group has also utilised derivative financial instruments in the form of forward contracts to sell currency in respect of sales denominated in currencies other than Great Britain Pound.
The scheme covers deposits in US Dollar (USD), Great Britain Pound (GBP), Euro(EUR), Canadian Dollars(CAD) and Australian Dollars(AUD) from non- resident individuals of Indian nationality or origin [NRIs].
Transactions in a currency other than Great Britain Pound (“foreign currency”) are translated into Great Britain Pound using the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions.