Greater Mekong Subregion definition

Greater Mekong Subregion means the region comprising the Kingdom of Cambodia, a part of People's Republic of China, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Union of Myanmar, Kingdom of Thailand and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam;

Examples of Greater Mekong Subregion in a sentence

  • Consistent with this strategy and the increase in annual appropriations supporting PMI, four new sub-Saharan African countries and one regional program in the Greater Mekong Subregion of Southeast Asia were added in 2011.

  • Also, because the MRC is no longer the only institutional mechanism in the region to promote economic development, new partnerships have emerged such as the one with the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

  • The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received loans and grants from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Southern Economic Corridor Towns Development Project (the Project).The Project will enhance the competitiveness of towns along the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC).

  • Poverty Reduction & Environmental Management in Remote Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Watersheds Project (Phase I).

  • Its success is built around investment in strategic infrastructure, including an international port, an airport and a special economic zone, coupled with a beach environment that has given the town an international resort status.The proposed Second Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Corridor towns Development Project for Cambodia will improve urban services in the two towns of Kampot and Sihanoukville.

  • With the addition of these new focus countries, PMI now has programs in 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, in addition to two bilateral programs and targeted support in the Greater Mekong Subregion in Asia.

  • It will help transform secondary towns in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) economic corridors into green, inclusive and competitive international tourism nodes to boost trade in services and deepen market linkages between members of the GMS and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

  • The Role of Special Economic Zones in Improving Effectiveness of Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridors.

  • The Royal Government of Cambodia has received loans and grants from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the Second Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Economic Corridor Towns Development Project (the Project).Loan Number 33-14 CAM, a Loan agreement between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), will be used to fund implementation of the Second Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Corridor Town Development Project (CDTP).

  • The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Cooperation Program envisions a subregion that is more integrated, prosperous and equitable.

Related to Greater Mekong Subregion

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Planned Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective Interconnection Service Agreement and has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close.

  • Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Assigned Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax of that name described in Section D.

  • Date of Lodging means the date this Decree is filed for lodging with the Clerk of the Court for the United States District Court for the District of Colorado.

  • Native American means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part or who is recognized by a tribal organization.

  • LCC-300 Cost Centre E Terminus Building - Structure Lump Sum Breakdown E4 : Station (GL X7-27/M-Q, 15.00m-21.96m) Lump Sum Item LSE4.2 E4.2 : Suspended Beams and Slabs Contractor's Other Charges The Contractor shall enter hereunder any specific item of work or obligation or thing which is necessary for the execution of the Works, as required by the Contract, which has been omitted from or has not been separately itemised in this Lump Sum Breakdown and for which a separate charge is required. The unit of measurement for any Contractor's Other Charges shall be "sum", with Quantity and Rate columns entered with "N/A". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Collection of Lump Sum Item LSE4.2 *** ----------- *** Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. [STAMP]

  • Intermodal Rail Yard means a rail facility in which cargo is transferred from drayage truck to train or vice-versa.

  • Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) means the maximum weight of the vehicle, as specified by the manufacturer. GVWR includes total vehicle weight plus fluids, passengers, and cargo.

  • Region means the Control Areas and Transmission Facilities with respect to which a Party serves as RTO or Reliability Coordinator under NERC policies and procedures.

  • Stormwater management measure means any practice, technology, process, program, or other method intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff and associated pollutants, or to induce or control the infiltration or groundwater recharge of stormwater or to eliminate illicit or illegal non-stormwater discharges into stormwater conveyances.

  • Small municipal separate storm sewer system or "small MS4" means all separate storm sewers that are (i) owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under § 208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters and (ii) not defined as "large" or "medium" municipal separate storm sewer systems or designated under 4VAC50-60-380 A 1. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highway and other thoroughfares. The term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.

  • Relevant market area means as follows:

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Gross laden weight means the actual weight of a vehicle or combination of

  • Backup Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax of that name described in Section E.

  • Gross vehicle weight rating means the value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a single vehicle; and

  • Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) means the diameter of a tree at 4 1/2 feet above the ground measured from the uphill side.

  • small and medium-sized enterprises or ‘SMEs’ means micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Article 2 of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC;

  • Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter

  • metropolitan municipality means a municipality that has exclusive executive and legislative authority in its area, and which is described in section 155 (1) of the Constitution as a category A municipality;

  • High voltage bus means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on a high voltage.

  • Pet Ambulance means a Pet medical transportation service vehicle equipped with stretchers, hydraulic tables, oxygen and a driver and/or veterinary technician.

  • COVID-19 Measures means any quarantine, “shelter in place,” “stay at home,” workforce reduction, social distancing, shut down, closure, sequester or any other Law, directive, guidelines or recommendations by any Governmental Authority (including the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization) in each case in connection with, related to or in response to COVID-19, including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) or any changes thereto.

  • Electric bicycle means a “class 1 electric bicycle”, a “class 2 electric bicycle”, or a “class 3 electric bicycle” as defined in this section. (ORC 4511.01(RRR))

  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI means the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.