Examples of Gross Station Heat Rate in a sentence
The Commission shall revisit the APC based on the actual data during the APR exercise for FY 2019- Gross Station Heat Rate (GSHR)Petitioner’s Submission The CERC Regulations provide for the determination of station heat rate based on GCV.
Additionally, Gross Station Heat Rate (“GSHR”) = 1.05 x Design Heat Rate (kCal/kWh) is very difficult to achieve in view of partial loading, temperature variation and coal quality.
The Staff Paper has failed to address an important aspect related to degradation of Gross Station Heat Rate (“GSHR”) of a generating project due to installation of De-NOx System, which is an essential component of ECS.As per the discussions held with various technical experts and OEMs, due to installation of De-NOx System, the combustion pattern of Boiler will change which will invariably result in increase in combustibles in the fly ash as well as bottom ash.
Issue 2: Gross Station Heat Rate (GSHR) Stakeholders’ Comments ABITA and FINER requested the Commission not to pass on the performance inefficiencies of APGCL to the end consumers.
Issue 2: Operating Parameters of NRPP CAC submitted that the test result shows a Gross Station Heat Rate of 1674 kcal/kWh against which APGCL has claimed Gross Station Heat Rate of 2016 kcal/kWh for FY 2021- 22 and 1998 kcal/kWh for FY 2022-23.