Examples of Outline of coverage in a sentence
Outline of coverage requirements for Medicare Supplement Policies.
Durable medical equipment means equipment that can stand repeated use and is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose and is generally not useful to a person who is not sick or injured or used by other family members and is appropriate for home use for the purpose of improving bodily functions or preventing further deterioration of the medical condition caused by sickness or injury.36.7(2) Outline of coverage requirements for individual coverages.
Outline of coverage requirements for medicare supplement policies.
Outline of coverage All standard Medigap products This chart shows the benefits included in each of the standard Medicare supplement plans.
Outline of coverage D…es…crip…tio…n ……………………………………………………Li…mit…s …………………………………………………………De…du…ctib…le P…re…miu..m Liability To Others $216 …B…od…ily…In…ju…ry…an…d…Pr…op…ert…y …Da…ma…g…e L…ia…bil…ity……………$…1,…00…0,…00…0 …co…mb…in…ed…si…ng…le…lim…it…………………………………………………..