Other Material Sample Clauses
Other Material. Species or products not listed in A2, upon written approval of Contracting Officer under B3.41. B2.2 Utilization and Removal of Included Timber. “Utilization Standards” for trees and minimum pieces are stated in A2. To meet minimum tree specifications, trees must equal or exceed tree diameters listed in A2 and con- tain at least one minimum piece. Except for timber re- quired or authorized to be left, Purchaser shall fell and buck such trees and shall remove from Sale Area and present for Scaling all pieces that:
Other Material. The Purchaser may elect to remove other material that does not meet Sawlog Manufacturing and Recovery Standards in Table 2, only if approved by the Forest Officer. Such products shall be billed at the rate for other material shown in Table 1.
a. All contract provisions apply to the removal of Other Material.
b. Other Material that has been manufactured by the Purchaser shall be decked and hauled separately from sawlogs. All decked non-sawlog material must be hauled, or disposed of by the Purchaser in accordance with instructions of the Forest Officer. All hauled loads will have a truck ticket assigned and will meet the specifications in Section III, MEASUREMENT AND LOG ACCOUNTABILITY.
c. Butt cut logs (the first log cut above the xxxxx) that meet LOG MANUFACTURING AND RECOVERY STANDARDS in Table 2, but do not meet TREES DESIGNATED FOR CUTTING minimum top DIB and length, may be considered as Other Material, not sawlogs.
Other Material. Species or products not listed in A.2, upon written approval of Contracting Officer under
Other Material. Species or products not listed in A2, upon written approval of Contracting Officer under B3.41. B2.2 Utilization and Removal of Included Xxx- ber. “Utilization Standards” for trees and minimum pieces are stated in A2. To meet minimum tree specifi- other than in the units described in B2.31, B2.32, B2.33, and B2.34, are Marked or designated by description. Trees are “Marked” when individually designated by Forest Service with paint marks above and below xxxxx height. Contract Area Map indicates areas plainly identified on the ground where leave trees are Marked to be left uncut. cations, trees must equal or exceed tree diameters Live listed in A2 and contain at least one minimum piece. Except for timber required or authorized to be left, Con- tractor shall fell and buck such trees and shall remove from Contract Area and present for Scaling all pieces that:
(a) Meet minimum piece standards in A2 or
(b) Do not meet such standards, but would have qualified as part of minimum pieces if bucking lengths were varied to include such material.
Other Material. Species or products not listed in A2, upon written approval of Contracting Officer under B3.41. B2.2 Utilization and Removal of Included Xxx- ber. “Utilization Standards” for trees and minimum pieces are stated in A2. To meet minimum tree specifi- cations, trees must equal or exceed tree diameters listed in A2 and contain at least one minimum piece. Except for timber required or authorized to be left, Con- tractor shall fell and buck such trees and shall remove from Contract Area and present for Scaling all pieces that:
(a) Meet minimum piece standards in A2 or
(b) Do not meet such standards, but would have qualified as part of minimum pieces if bucking lengths were varied to include such material.
Other Material. Species or products not listed in AT.2, upon written approval of Contracting Officer under DT.4.1. CT.2 Utilization and Removal of Included Timber. “Utilization Standards” for trees and minimum pieces are stated in AT.2. To meet minimum tree specifications, trees must equal or exceed tree diameters listed in AT.2 and contain at least one minimum piece. Except for timber required or authorized to be left, Contractor shall fell and buck such trees and shall remove from Contract Area all pieces that:
(a) Meet minimum piece standards in AT.2 or
(b) Do not meet such standards, but would have qualified as part of minimum pieces if bucking lengths were var- ied to include such material.
Other Material. 1. Material originating after the hiring of a teacher that is derogatory to her/his conduct, service, or character shall not be placed in her/his file until the teacher is given the opportunity to review it.
2. A teacher shall sign such material, indicating she/he has reviewed it. The signature in no way implies endorsement of the contents therein.
3. A teacher shall have the right to submit a written response and have it attached to the original.
4. Although a letter of warning for illustrative purposes may allude to past incidents for which no reprimand was forthcoming, the specific incident which generated the letter of warning must have occurred no more than sixty (60) days before the date of the subject letter. Any consequent disciplinary action cannot be based on any undocumented events.
5. The inclusion of any adverse material in the teacher's personnel file shall be subject to challenge by the teacher. This shall not be construed to apply to the subjective evaluation of teacher performance. Adverse material may be removed after two (2) years upon request of the teacher, unless it relates to a substantiated allegation involving the abuse or sexual harassment of either a student or a fellow employee.
6. Any complaint made against a teacher by any parent, student or other person which is to be used in any manner in evaluating the teacher shall be promptly reported in writing to the teacher and the teacher shall be afforded the opportunity to answer or rebut such complaint.
Other Material. Species or products not listed on Page 1, upon written approval of Contracting Officer un- der B3.41. B2.2 Utilization and Removal of Included Timber. “Utilization Standards” for trees and minimum pieces are stated on Page 1. To meet minimum tree specifications, trees must equal or exceed tree diameters listed on Page 1 and contain at least one minimum piece. Except for timber required or authorized to be left, Purchaser shall fell and buck such trees and shall remove from Sale Area and present for Scaling all pieces that:
(a) Meet minimum piece standards on Page 1 or
(b) Do not meet such standards, but would have qualified as part of minimum pieces if bucking lengths were varied to include such material.
Other Material. All literary, dramatic or other material or copyrighted works of any nature based on or derived from the Work; and
Other Material. All information and data contained in general product docu- mentation and pricelists, whether in electronic or any other form, are binding only to the extent that they are by reference expressly included in the Agreement. This includes any indica- tion of output in the tender material, which is therefore to be considered only as an estimated output and therefore only binding to the extent that the Agreement expressly refers to it in writing