Examples of Group communication in a sentence
Group communication systems are designed to support communication between processes cooperating in groups.
Babaoglu, O., Davoli, R., Montresor, A.: Group communication in partitionable systems: Specification and algorithms.
It has, however, beenlargely silent during the recent violence.173 Crisis Group communication, Western official, July 2010.
G., Keidar, I., Vitenberg, R.: Group communication specifications: a comprehensive study.
The executive has the right to appoint the most senior police but should then leave it to them to institute professional selection procedures with advice from the 167 Crisis Group communication, person involved with the board, Kabul, 20 June 2007.
Group communication is a powerful building block in many distributed applications.
Crisis Group communication with prosecutor, 3 May 2010.12 “Witness vs Ampatuan recants”, Philippine Daily Inquirer, 20 January 2010.13 On 18 January, armed men burned down eight houses near a farm owned by Sangki in Salman village, not far from the mas- sacre site.
UNPOL/ PNTL “Monthly Monitoring Report”, September 2009.148 Crisis Group communication with former UN official in Haiti, 28 October 2009.149 “Despacho Sua Excia.
Group communication controversy A few years ago, [Cheriton and Skeen 1993] began a polemic about group communication systems that provide causally and totally ordered communication primitives.
UNIT-IVIntroduction to Distributed Systems:Goals of distributed system, Hardware and software concepts, Design issues.Communication in Distributed Systems:Layered protocols, ATM networks, Client - Server model, Remote procedure call and Group communication.