Examples of Growth standards in a sentence
Secular trends, Growth standards, Catch-up growth, Factors affecting growth.
Below are some of the main developments that have taken place: The WHO Growth standards: a new reference to diagnose acute malnutrition for children aged 6-59 months.
Incorporate Smart Growth standards into the OCP.2. Zoning, Subdivision, and Building Regulationsa.
Growth standards reflect optimal growth level that has the potential to be achieved by all children.
These standards should set forth what students in the last grade served will know and be able to do.Charter School Goals:Growth measures will be in accordance with NC Expected Growth or Reasonable Growth standards.
This Court has held that the purchase of insurance does not operate as a waiver of sovereign immunity, nor does it hinder any exclusions or exemptions from liability.
Growth standards for Japanese children—an overview with special reference to secular change in growth.
In 2008, the Government of India decided to introduce the new WHO Growth standards through ICDS and NRHM.
Butler MG, Sturich J, Lee J, Myers SE, Whitman BY, Gold JA, Kimonis V, Cheimann A, Terrazas N, Driscoll DJ (2011) Growth standards of infants with Prader-Willi syndrome.
There are two one-year extensions available and Federal Engineering is doing awesome work.