Foster care services means the provision of a full range of casework, treatment and community
Primary care services means the services in respect of which NHS England has a duty or power to make arrangements pursuant to the Primary Care Functions;
Health care services means services for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease.
PREVENTIVE CARE SERVICES means covered healthcare services performed to prevent the occurrence of disease as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). See Preventive Care and Early Detection Services in Section 3. PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER (PCP) means, for the purpose of this plan, professional providers that are family practitioners, internists, and pediatricians. For the purpose of this plan, gynecologists, obstetricians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants may be credentialed as PCPs. To find a PCP or check that your provider is a PCP, please use the “Find a Doctor” tool on our website or call Customer Service.
Health care service means that service offered or provided by health care facilities and health care providers relating to the prevention, cure, or treatment of illness, injury, or disease.
Community support services means services authorized,
COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES means any service, treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply that we have reviewed and determined is eligible for reimbursement under this plan.
Container station and depot services means activities consisting in storing containers, whether in port areas or inland, with a view to their stuffing/stripping, repairing and making them available for shipments.