Examples of Handler in a sentence
Within two (2) weeks of signing this Agreement, provide OHA the most recent link to the Lane Food Handler Card website and request OHA replace AGENCY’s website with the Lane Food Handler Card website link on OHA’s list of online food handler issuance websites.
Food handler cards issued via the Lane Food Handler Card website will include the Lane County Public Health logo and will be valid throughout the State of Oregon for a period of three years from the date of issuance.
Both parties agree that the City and department canine handler(s) shall be bound by the provisions, terms and conditions as set forth in the “Canine Handler Agreement” dated April 16, 2009 and that handlers shall be utilized in accordance with “Canine Unit Operations” Operational General Order #886 dated November 10, 2009.
Residents of AGENCY’s County will enter the Lane Food Handler Card website via an online search mechanism or by referring to Agency/State websites.