the Caxton Foundation means the charitable trust of that name established on 28th March 2011 out of funds provided by the Secretary of State for the benefit of certain persons suffering from hepatitis C and other persons eligible for payment in accordance with its provisions;
Foundation means the North Dakota economic development foundation.
River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.
Pond means a natural or man-made impoundment of water with a water surface area of one acre or less at the high water level.
Red means the chromaticity coordinates (x,y)4 of the light reflected that lie inside the chromaticity areas defined by the boundaries: R12 yellow boundary y = 0.335 R23 the spectral locus R34 the purple line R41 purple boundary y = 0.978 - x With intersection points: x y R1 0.643 0.335 R2 0.665 0.335 R3 0.735 0.265 R4 0.720 0.258
Qard means a contract of lending money whereby the borrower is obliged to repay the equivalent amount to lender.
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Elevation means the vertical distance of a point or a level, on or affixed to the surface of the earth, measured from mean sea level;
Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.
Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an
Perimeter means the fenced or walled area of the institution that restrains the movement of the inmates.
plantation means any land used for the growing and harvesting of crops;
Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Green means products, materials, methods and processes certified by a “Green Authority” that conserve natural resources, reduce energy or water consumption, avoid toxic or other polluting emissions or otherwise minimize environmental impact.
Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.
PIDs shall have the meaning set forth in Exhibit B.
Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.
Ash means all species of the genus Fraxinus.
Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.
Freeboard means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, blockage of bridge or culvert openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.
sugar means the organic compound glucose, fructose, xylose, arabinose, lactose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, or hemicellulose.
Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.
Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.