Examples of Hazard potential in a sentence
Hazard potential - The possible adverse incremental consequences that result from the release of water or stored contents due to failure of a dam or misoperation of a dam or appurtenances.
Hazard potential means the possible adverse incremental consequences that result from the release of water or stored contents due to failure of a dam or mis-operation of a dam or appurtenances.
Hazard potential is an index, on a scale of from A to D, inclusive, of the severity of the hazard associated with the substance contained in the tank be- cause of the toxic, flammable, or explo- sive nature of the vapor, gas, or mist produced therefrom.
The international branch of DOS monitors the activi- ties of U.S. banks operating abroad and foreign banks operating in theU.S. The international branch also completes risk profiles of various countries whose banking systemsThe FDIC continued to streamlineits regulations and policies as mandated by the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (CDRI).
Hazard potential classifications, structural stability assessments, and safety factor assessments require significant planning and coordination, such as detailed site- work and investigations, modeling and analysis, design and construction planning and implementation, and post- construction investigation.