Heads of Agreement definition
Examples of Heads of Agreement in a sentence
In June, the Group signed a Heads of Agreement with the Western Australian Government that will enable greater flexibility and efficiency in managing its iron ore mining operations and infrastructure in the Pilbara.
The National Cabinet has reaffirmed that providing universal healthcare for all Australians is a shared priority and agreed in a Heads of Agreement for public hospitals funding from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2025.
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has reaffirmed that providing universal health care for all Australians is a shared priority and agreed in a Heads of Agreement for public hospitals funding from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020.
The governance for this regional programme of activity is via a Regional Collaboration Board, constituted in accordance with the Heads of Agreement.
It is not the intention of the Participants to create, nor shall this Heads of Agreement or the JOA be deemed or construed to create a mining or other partnership, joint venture, association or trust, or as authorizing any Participants to act as an agent, servant or employee for any other Participant for any purpose whatsoever except as explicitly set forth in the JOA.