Health definition
Examples of Health in a sentence
The Agency will make payments for costs that are consistence with the Department of Children and Families and/or the Department of Health Services Allowable Cost Policy Manual and Federal Allowable cost policies.
This contract is contingent upon authorization of Wisconsin and United States laws and any material amendment or repeal of the same affecting relevant funding or authority of the Department of Health Services shall serve to terminate this contract, except as further agreed to be the parties hereto.
Such insurance shall name (i) “New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation, its officials, and employees” and (ii) “The City of New York, its officials and employees” as additional insureds.
The Contractor agrees to comply with the federal regulations implementing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to the extent those regulations apply to the services the Contractor provides or purchases with funds provided under this contract.
The Contractor shall retain in its personnel files all pertinent information, to include a Background Information Disclosure Form and/or search results from the Department of Justice, the Department of Health Services, and the Department of Safety and Professional Services, as well as out of state records, tribal court proceedings and military records, if applicable.