Health Insurance Act definition
Examples of Health Insurance Act in a sentence
However, you do not have this right to give notice if a change in the insured healthcare cover results directly from amendment of the provisions set out in Sections 11 through 14a of the Health Insurance Act.
Unless otherwise shown on the SCHEDULE.NON MEDICARE MEDICAL EXPENSES means any expense WE are allowed to provide under the Health Insurance Act (Cth) 1973, the National Health Act (Cth) 1953 or any legislation made under such Acts (for example, WE are not allowed to pay expenses covered by the Medicare or pay the Medicare Gap).
The maximum BENEFIT we will pay for any one claim is $1,000 per COVERED PERSON.In relation to the NON MEDICARE MEDICAL EXPENSES BENEFIT (including the PHYSIOTHERAPY BENEFIT), WE will not provide any BENEFITS where the provision of such BENEFITS will result in US contravening the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth), the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 (Cth) or the National Health Act 1953 (Cth) or any applicable legislation (whether in Australia or not).
The City shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the premiums, which will include any premiums payable under The Health Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
There is a right to obtain compensation for such a period in accordance with the Health Insurance Act.
Clauses 5 (4) 2) and 5) of the Health Insurance Act shall not be applied with regard to an alien who has been issued a temporary residence permit for study.
The BENEFITS do not include: - payment for any health services which within the meaning of the Commonwealth Private Health Insurance Act 2007 or the Private Health Insurance (Health Insurance Business) Rules 2009 would constitute the carrying on of health insurance business.
The Public Health Insurance Act No. 48/1997 (as amended) defines the scope of health care in detail, which is covered by public health insurance, i.e. the scope of covered contingencies referred to in this Article.
Halk Bankası Employee Pension Fund has been reported.In accordance with the Act No: 5754 “Act about the amendments in Social Security and General Health Insurance Act and Some of Acts and Decrees” published in the Official Gazette dated 8 May 2008 and numbered 26870, bank pension funds participants and salaried members or the rightful owners would be transferred to Social Security Institution within three years beginning from the date of publication without any required further action.
The scope of health services provided within the Czech public health insurance system is defined in Part Five of the Public Health Insurance Act No. 48/1997(as amended).