Examples of Hearing aid fitting in a sentence
Hearing aid fitting should be offered, when appropriate, within 4 weeks of confirmation of PCHI.
Hearing aid fitting process in users fitted in a federal public institution: part II - self-assessment questionnaire results.
The Purchase Order and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein.
Hearing aid fitting outcome: Clinical application and psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of the international outcome inventory for hearing aids (IOI-HA).
Audiological intervention Hearing aid fitting The hearing aid fitting is aimed at reducing communication stressors that may be experienced due to hearing loss (Henry et al., 2005).
Hearing aid fitting outcome: clinical application and psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of the international outcome inventory for hearing aids (IOI-HA).
A subterm of t is a term t′ such that t′ = t|p for some position p.↓→≤ ≤Tamarin assumes equational theories that have the finite variant property, that is where all the instances of a given term follow a finite number of differ- ent patterns.
Hearing aid fitting was performed on each participant monaurally or binaurally, depending on which ear(s) presented with hearing loss as indicated on the audiogram.
Hearing aid fitting outcome: clinical application and psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA).
Hearing aid fitting is included infitting is included infitting is included in the maximumthe maximumthe maximum benefit coveragebenefit coveragebenefit coverage amount.