COVID-19 case definition

COVID-19 case means a person who:
COVID-19 case means a person who either: (1) Has a positive “COVID-19 test” as defined in this section; (2) Is subject to COVID-19-related order to isolate issued by a local or state health official; or (3) Has died due to COVID-19, in the determination of a local health department or per inclusion in the COVID-19 statistics of a county. A person is no longer a “COVID-19 case” when a licensed health care professional determines that the person does not have COVID-19, in accordance with recommendations made by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) or the local health department pursuant to authority granted under the Health and Safety Code or title 17, California Code of Regulations to CDPH or the local health department.
COVID-19 case means a person who either: (1) Has a positive COVID-19 test as defined in this section; (2) Is subject to COVID-19-related order to isolate issued by a local or state health official; (3) Has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis from a licensed health care provider; or (4) Has died due to COVID-19, in the determination of a local health department or per inclusion in the COVID-19 statistics of a county.

Examples of COVID-19 case in a sentence

  • Businesses and governmental entities can learn more about what to do after a positive COVID-19 case among Personnel at

  • As of July 13, 2020, interim guidance issued by CDPH encourages notification for every COVID-19 case.

  • It does not apply to buildings, floors, or other locations of the employer that a COVID-19 case did not enter.

  • Cleaning and disinfection of areas, material, and equipment used by a COVID-19 case during the high-risk exposure period.

  • The School will protect the confidentiality of the COVID-19 case, and will not disclose to other employees, except for those who need to know, the fact that the employee tested positive for or was diagnosed with COVID-19.

More Definitions of COVID-19 case

COVID-19 case means a person who either: (1) Has a positive “COVID-19 test” as defined in this section; (2) Is subject to COVID-19-related order to isolate
COVID-19 case means a person who either:
COVID-19 case means a person who: (A) Has a positive COVID-19 test; or
COVID-19 case means an employee who:
COVID-19 case means a person who either: (1) Has a positive COVID-19 test as defined in this section; (2) Is subject to COVID-19-related order to isolate issued by a local or state health official;
COVID-19 case means a person who: (1) has a positive "COVID-19 test" as defined in this section; or (2) has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis from a licensed health care provider; or (3) is subject to a COVID-19-related order to isolate issued by a local or state health official; or
COVID-19 case. Means a person who (a) has a positive COVID-19 test; or (b) has a positive COVID-19 diagnosis from a licensed health care provider; or (c) is subject to a COVID-19 related order to isolate issued by a local or state health official; or (d) has died due to COVID- 19 in determination of a local health department official.