Hep A definition

Hep A means hepatitis A vaccine.

Examples of Hep A in a sentence

  • The authors used the data to estimate vaccination coverage among adults over the age of 18 by health insurance status for seven routinely recommended vaccines: influenza, pneumococcal (PPSV), tetanus and diptheria toxoid (Td) or tetnus, diptheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap), hepatitis A (Hep A), hepatitis B (Hep B), herpes zoster (shingles), and human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • It is State mandated that Flu vaccination and Hep A (2 doses) is given to every child attending child care.

  • The trajectory of GDP also has the reverse impact for bond holders.

  • Council will meet the cost of voluntary and or mandatory Hep A and B and Influenza vaccinations for staff as required.

  • Parental report of disease history is acceptable for grades 11–12.● Tdap: There is no minimum interval from the last Td dose.● MCV4: Individuals who receive dose 1 after their 16th birthday only need 1 dose of MCV4.● Hep A: The minimum interval between 1st and 2nd dose is 6 calendar months.

  • K-3 is required.*For grades 4 - 12, two doses of Hep A are recommended.MenB A complete series of MenB is recommended.

  • Their responses are summarized below and will provide a basis for further discussion during the 6/27/12 NFSC meeting.NRC OrdersEA-12-049: ORDER TO MODIFY LICENSES WITH REGARD TO REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR BEYOND-DESIGN-BASIS EXTERNAL EVENTS (PART 50 LICENSEES & PART 52 COL HOLDERS)Requires 3-phase approach for mitigating beyond-design-basis external events:1.

  • Employees working at Airports, Meatworks and/or engaged for the major proportion of their time on refuse collection and/or disposal and/or sorting or feeding of incinerators, furnaces or compactors, cleaning toilets and/or where a risk assessment has identified a need for vaccination will be fully subsidised and reimbursed by the employer for any Hep A & B or other mandatory vaccinations required as part of a contract.

  • It is state mandated that Flu vaccination and Hep A (2 doses) is given to every child attending child care.

  • Two (2) valid doses of Hepatitis A vaccine (Hep A) are required for students in all grades, including schools with pre-kindergarten programs.

Related to Hep A

  • Electric distribution system means the part of the electric system, after the transmission system, that is dedicated to delivering electric energy to an end user.

  • Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF means a second frame that augments an existing Main Distribution Frame. Lines or outside cables that do not terminate on the IDF.

  • Main Distribution Frame (MDF) means the termination frame for outside facility and inter-exchange office equipment at the CO.

  • Water distribution system means that portion of the water supply system in which water is conveyed from the water treatment plant or other supply point to the premises of the consumer.

  • CRR II means Regulation (EU) 2019/876 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards the leverage ratio, the net stable funding ratio, requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities, counterparty credit risk, market risk, exposures to central counterparties, exposures to collective investment undertakings, large exposures, reporting and disclosure requirements, and Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.

  • Distributor / Distribution Company means Company(ies), Firm(s), Sole Proprietorship concern(s), individual(s), Banks or any other Financial Institution appointed by the Management Company under intimation to the Trustee for performing any or all of the Distribution Functions and who are registered with MUFAP as Registered Service Providers. The Management Company may itself also performs the Distribution Function.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Combined distribution system means the interconnected distribution system consisting of the distribution systems of wholesale systems and of the consecutive systems that receive finished water.

  • Limited lines producer means a person who sells, solicits, or negotiates limited lines insurance.

  • Distribution System means the system of wires and associated facilities between the delivery points on the transmission lines or the generating station connection and the point of connection to the installation of the consumers;

  • B.E.P.D. means an entity certified as a Business enterprise owned or operated by people with disabilities as defined in MCC Section 2-92-586.

  • Bulk gasoline terminal means a gasoline storage facility which receives gasoline from its supply source primarily by pipeline, ship, or barge, and delivers gasoline to bulk gasoline plants or to commercial or retail accounts primarily by tank truck; and has an average daily throughput of more than 76,000 liters (20,000 gallons) of gasoline.

  • Air-purifying respirator means a respirator with an air-purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element.

  • ERP means effective radiated power which is the product of the power supplied to an antenna and its gain in a given direction relative to a half-wave dipole;

  • Main Distribution Frame (MDF) is termination frame for outside facility and inter-exchange office equipment at the central office for DS-0 and DSL services.

  • Partnership at will means a partnership in which the partners have not agreed to remain partners until the expiration of a definite term or the completion of a particular undertaking.

  • PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. or "PJM" means the privately-

  • Useful thermal energy means, with regard to a cogeneration unit, thermal energy that is:

  • VCSE means a non-governmental organisation that is value- driven and which principally reinvests its surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives;

  • Class I renewable energy means electric energy produced from

  • REMIC 1 As described in the Preliminary Statement.

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.

  • Swimming pool or “pool” means any structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing that contains water over 18 inches deep. “Swimming pool” includes in-ground and aboveground structures and includes, but is not limited to, hot tubs, spas, portable spas, and nonportable wading pools.

  • Public swimming pool means a swimming pool operated for the use of the general public with or without charge, or for the use of the members and guests of a private club. Public swimming pool does not include a swimming pool located on the grounds of a private single-family home.

  • Electric distribution company (EDC) means any electric utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.

  • Maximum Generation Emergency Alert means an alert issued by the Office of the Interconnection to notify PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators that a Maximum Generation Emergency may be declared, for any Operating Day in either, as applicable, the Day-ahead Energy Market or the Real-time Energy Market, for all or any part of such Operating Day.