Immediate annuity definition
Examples of Immediate annuity in a sentence
For purposes of this § 4022.10, ‘‘age’’ means the participant’s age as of his or her last birthday (unless otherwise re- quired by the context).(a) Immediate annuity at or after age55.
If the earliest date on which a par- ticipant could separate from service with the right to receive an immediate annuity is on or after the date the par- ticipant reaches age 55, the Earliest PBGC Retirement Date for the partici- pant is the earliest date on which the participant could separate from service with the right to receive an immediate annuity.(b) Immediate annuity before age 55.
Immediate annuity payments for Eligible Window Participants who timely elect to receive such payments will be determined as of the Lump Sum Determination Date.
Recognizing that an annuity payment involves both an income element and a return of capital element, the tax authorities only tax the income element in the case of PLAs. Timing of payments Immediate annuity (annuity in arrears): payments commence at the end of the first period.
Immediate annuity: An annuity, not including an annuity from additional contributions, which begins to accrue not later than 30 days after termination of employment.