Examples of Early Retirement Benefit in a sentence
Payment for insurance benefits may be deducted from Early Retirement Benefit payments or made on a monthly basis and submitted to the Business Office of the School Corporation.
Early Retirement Benefit for employees retiring on or after completion of 20 years of service, but their benefit shall be based upon 2.0% times Final Average Compensation times years of credited service.
Unless a lump sum benefit is elected, the amount of Early Retirement Benefit will be the monthly annuity benefit provided by the annuity or annuities purchased with amounts in the Participant's Individual Account, as provided in Article VI, Section 1.
The purpose of the Early Retirement Benefit Program is to allow certificated employees to participate in the State Teachers Retirement System Early Retirement Program.
Any employee electing to participate in the Early Retirement Benefit Program shall notify the District of their intent to retire no later than February 1st of the school year preceding retirement.