Retired Employee Sample Clauses
Retired Employee. Effective October 29, 1998 OPTIONS agrees to allow employees opting for early retirement to continue to participate in Sunlife semi-private, extended health benefits (excluding over the counter prescriptions) and dental plans, as outlined below, (or comparable coverage with another carrier) to age 65, with the employee assuming total responsibility for paying the full premium. Deductibles will be $15.00 (single) and $25.00 (family), providing the monthly premiums are 100% paid by the early retiree. In addition to the standard benefits, coverage will include vision care (maximum $90.00 every 24 months, contact lenses included as well as a hearing aid allowance (lifetime maximum $500.00 per individual). Dental coverage would be capped at $1,000.00 per year per person and will include coverage for dentures at 50% reimbursement to the maximum of $1,000.00 per year. Reimbursement would be 80% of the total benefit cost covered, except dental-denture coverage which is at 50%. NOTE: This plan requires 75% early retiree participation.
Retired Employee. A former WDT employee who is eligible to receive state retirement benefits.
Retired Employee. Person who is actively receiving a retirement benefit on his own behalf from the Public Employees’ Retirement System.
Retired Employee. A U.S. Ford Customs Employee who is otherwise eligible may retire *.
Retired Employee. (1) Any Retired Employee (Clergy or Lay) who was covered under the Plan as of the inception date of the Plan; and
(2) Future Retirees who are either:
(a) under age 65 and have been employed by a church, agency or institution of the Louisiana Conference, United Methodist Church for twenty or more years; or
(b) employed by a church, agency or institution of the Louisiana Conference, United Methodist Church, and have attained age 62, regardless of years of service.
(3) Lay Employees who are at least age 62, and under age 65, with at least five consecutive years of service with a church, agency or institution of the Louisiana Conference, United Methodist Church, and who was a Participant in the Plan for at least two years immediately preceding retirement.
Retired Employee. Retired Employee" shall have the meaning given in Section 8.3(a)(vi).
Retired Employee. A retired employee enrolled as of the last day worked may continue a portion of coverage by paying the required premium contributions. Contributions shall be payable monthly through pension deductions. The required monthly contribution, which is not subject to change during the duration of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, is set forth in the Life Insurance Administration Manual. If eligible, coverage up to $150,000 or the amount in force as of the last day worked, whichever is less, may be continued. This amount cannot be increased, but may be decreased or cancelled at any time. Coverage may be changed from retired family coverage to retired employee coverage, but cannot be changed from retired employee coverage to retired family coverage. Retired employees and their family members are ineligible for loss of speech and hearing, loss of speech or hearing, loss of thumb and index finger benefits, or benefits described in C., (4), (5), or (6) above.
Retired Employee. An employee who meets the following qualifications:
Retired Employee. 8 The County will allow each retired employee the opportunity to remain in the 9 existing life insurance program with the employee paying the monthly or 10 yearly premium, subject to the carrier’s plan provisions.
Retired Employee. 23 The County will allow each retired employee the opportunity to remain in the 24 existing life insurance program with the employee paying the monthly or 25 yearly premium, subject to the carrier’s plan provisions. 26 Page 34 of 71 Date Accepted / / 1 ARTICLE 18 – RETIREMENT AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION
2 18.1 Public Employees Retirement System (PERS): 3 The County shall continue to participate in the Public Employees Retirement 4 System (PERS) for employees eligible to participate in the system. The 5 County shall participate in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan 6 (OPSRP), for all other employees. 8 Employees under this Agreement who are eligible to participate in PERS or 9 OPSRP shall contribute six percent (6%) of their salary for their retirement to 10 be withheld, as a pretax contribution which shall be treated for tax purposes 11 as a contribution by the County, for the purpose of Internal Revenue Code 12 Section 414(h) (2). Such contribution shall be deposited in accordance with 13 State law. 15 No employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement shall have the 16 option of receiving the salary payment and paying the PERS or OPSRP 17 contribution directly, and an employee's reported salary on the W-2 form for 18 tax purposes will be reduced by the amount of the employee's contribution. If 19 any provision of this Agreement is held invalid for any reason by a court or 20 administrative body having competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions 21 shall remain valid and in full force and effect.