Examples of In good financial standing in a sentence
The Housing Options process begins when the local authority is approached by anyone in housing need.
No payment will be provided for any equipment installed until the final inspection and acceptance has been approved by the district.• Established in providing products and/or repair service.• In good financial standing with manufacturers of all products proposed in this bid.
Those Omicron members who have decided to go inactive for whatever reason may be invited to the chapters annual red carnation ball, if voted upon by the chapter at a 3/5 majority vote, and if, and only if that member is: In good financial standing, and if that members behavior within the chapter in the past has been reflective of an Omicron member of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
In good financial standing with the schoolStudents eligible for a certificate of completion are those who have satisfactorily completed their course of study with a CGPA of 2.0 or better and a minimum of 80% attendance for the entirety of the program.
If taking >16mg/d, must be willing to attempt to decrease to 16mg/d.• No concurrent abuse of other medications or illicit substances or willing to discontinue use.• Consents to required screens at initial consultation visit including but not limited to urine drug screen, alcohol screen, check of NCCSRS report.• Signs Patient Consent and Patient Agreement.• In good financial standing with MAHEC.