Examples of Income and Business Tax Act in a sentence
The Parties are also in agreement that no court in Belize has directly ruled on the validity of the Accommodation Agreement.194 The Tribunal agrees with the Respondent, however, that in ruling on the enforceability of the Settlement Deed Award the CCJ was directly called on to interpret Section 95 of the Income and Business Tax Act and that the decision is therefore relevant to the question of the Accommodation Agreement.
Accordingly, for the purposes of this arbitration, the Tribunal concludes that an English arbitral tribunal in a hypothetical further arbitration pursuant to the Accommodation Agreement would consider the Accommodation Agreement Award to be dispositive of the matter of apparent authority, notwithstanding the intervening decision of the CCJ on the content of section 95 of the Income and Business Tax Act, and would award damages on that basis.
In accordance with provisions of the Income and Business Tax Act, as amended, Chapter 55 of the Laws of Belize, the Council is exempted from income taxation on its revenues.
Moreover, the tax exemption on foreign source income under the Income and Business Tax Act covers a much broader range of entities and income.
The Income and Business Tax Act does not impose substance requirements for companies benefitting from the tax exemption.
These weaknesses were complicated by uncertainty over tax-filing obligations: Section 109(1) of the Income and Business Tax Act requires businesspersons and entities to file tax returns, failing which Section 109(2) prescribes the penalties for non-compliance.
Bennett further submits that the scheme of Part II of the Income and Business Tax Act is for the government to collect its taxes on the profits derived from the profits of petroleum operations and not to provide a method for contractors to mitigate taxes due to the Government of Belize by earnestly trying to misunderstand what is a clear and unambiguous tax scheme.
Bill for an Act to amend the Income and Business Tax Act, Chapter 55 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011; to clarify that international business companies who are not persons resident in Belize may file a return of income; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Looking at the scheme of the Income and Business Tax Act then as it relates to petroleum operations, the legislators must have intended that once there is commercial production under one Production Sharing Agreement, the Contractor may carry over losses from other Production Sharing Agreements that are not yet under commercial production, and any ambiguity under the said Income and Business Tax Act must be read in favour of the tax payer.
Interest collected on delinquent loans and recorded as income when received amounted to $18.1 million and $17.7 million for fiscal years 2010 and 2009, respectively.