Examples of Income averaging in a sentence
The negative income of the applicant or their partner cannot be deducted from the other’s income.6.3.5 Income averaging not permittedParental income cannot be averaged over several years (e.g. as allowed by the Australian Taxation Office for primary producers).
Income averaging for farmers not to increase alternative minimum tax.
Income averaging (IA) is available only to the extent permitted and subject to the procedures, restrictions and other requirements specified in MBOH compliance materials.
Income averaging for amounts received in connection with the Exxon Valdez litigation.
The negative income of the applicant or their partner cannot be deducted from the other’s income.6.3.5 Income averaging not permittedParental income cannot be averaged over several years (e.g. as allowed by the Australian Taxation Office for primary producers).
Income averaging applies to the designated income/rent levels of the units, not the incomes of individual tenant households.
No. Income averaging is allowable for new developments making their minimum set- aside/income election after the date of enactment of the Act (March 23, 2018), and is not dependent on the issuance of IRS guidance.
Income averaging is available, at the state’s discretion, to new developments making their minimum set-aside election after March 23, 2018.
Income averaging allows Credit-qualified units to serve households earning as much as 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), so long as the average income/rent limit in the property is 60 percent or less of AMI.
Income averaging thus preserves rigorous targeting to low-income households, while providing more flexibility to the program and greater income-mixing potential.