Examples of Independent Unitholders in a sentence
The SIC has granted this waiver subject to, inter alia, the Whitewash Resolution being approved by Independent Unitholders at an EGM.
The Independent Financial Adviser has been appointed by the Manager to advise the Independent Board Committee, the Independent Unitholders and the Trustee as to whether the Transaction Matters Requiring Approval are fair and reasonable.
Details of the New Hotel Lease Agreement and the Car Park Lease Agreement are set out in the Acquisition Circular and a separate waiver for the New Hotel Lease Agreement and the Car Park Lease Agreement will be sought from the Independent Unitholders.
Great Eagle has agreed that it will abstain, and will procure each of the GE Entities to abstain, from voting at the EGM on the Ordinary Resolution to approve the 2016 Waiver Extension and Modification and the New Annual Caps, except pursuant to a proxy given by Independent Unitholders where a specific direction as to voting is given.
Independent Unitholders may by Extraordinary Resolution at a general meeting terminate the Manager’s entitlement to make any further redemption offer under the Recurring Redemption Offer, and such Extraordinary Resolution has not taken place.