Examples of Unit Holders in a sentence
All Unit Holders are eligible to change their Unit Holder details if they so desire.
The Trustee shall report to the Unit Holder, to be included in the annual and second quarter Financial Reports issued by the Management Company to the Unit Holders, as to whether in its opinion the Management Company has in all material respects managed the Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, the Constitutive Documents and if the Management Company has not done so, the respect in which it has not done so and the steps the Trustee has taken in respect thereof.
Units held by resident Pakistani Unit Holders shall be subject to Zakat at 2.5% of the value of the Units under Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980, (XVII of 1980), except those exempted under the said Ordinance.
Neither the Management Company nor the Trustee shall make any charge against the Unit Holders nor against the Trust Property nor against the Distribution Account for their services nor for expenses, except such expenses or fees as are expressly authorized under the provisions of the Regulations and the Deed to be payable out of Trust Property.
In such an event, the Queue System, if already invoked, shall cease to apply and all Unit Holders shall be paid after selling the assets and determining the final Redemption Price.