Examples of Index Currency in a sentence
Prices of Index Components not listed in the Index Currency are translated using spot foreign exchange rates quoted by Reuters.
The respective current index level is calculat- ed by the Index Calculation Agent on a continuous basis during the trading period of the Reference Instru- ment on the Reference Exchange on each Index Calculation Day, rounded to two decimal places and pub- lished in accordance with section E).One index point corresponds to one unit of the Index Currency.
The respective current index level is calculated by the Index Calculation Agent on a continuous basis during the trading period of the Reference Instrument on the Reference Exchange on each Index Calculation Day, rounded to two decimal places and published in accordance with section E).One index point corresponds to one unit of the Index Currency.
The Conversion Rate Early equals one if the relevant Index Currency is the same as the Settlement Currency or otherwise the rate determined by the Calculation Agent during the three-hour period immediately following the occurrence of an Automatic Early Redemption Event by reference to such sources as it considers appropriate acting in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner, having taken into account relevant market practice.
Any day on which commercial banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and deposits in the Index Currency) in London.