Examples of Indian children in a sentence
This includes programs for the benefit of Indian children, infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, children experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care (98.14(a)(1)).
None of the children are Indian children.[ ] A state court can decide this case for the Indian children because:[ ] (Children’s names): are not domiciled or living on an Indian reservation, and are not wards of a tribal court.
The Secretary of Education shall provide amounts to the Secretary of the Interior to meet the need for assistance for the edu- cation of children with disabilities on res- ervations aged 5 to 21, inclusive, enrolled in elementary schools and secondary schools for Indian children operated or funded by the Secretary of the Interior.
Funds may be used for the education of Indian children in BIA-funded schools.
Congress declares its commitment to the maintenance of the Federal Government’s unique and continuing trust relationship with and responsibility to the Indian people for the education of Indian children through the estab- lishment of a meaningful Indian self-determina- tion policy for education that will deter further perpetuation of Federal bureaucratic domina- tion of programs.
Like the Brackeens, the Librettis alleged that they intend to provide foster care for and possibly adopt additional children in need but are reluctant to foster Indian children after this experience.
These Acts ensure that the heritage of Indian children will be recognized, protected, and monitored in and out of state.
School districts receiving funds under this part must insure that Indian children receive all aid from the State, and other proper sources other than this contract, which other schools in the district and other school dis- tricts similarly situated in the State are entitled to receive.
Contracts with State education agen- cies or school districts receiving funds under the provisions of this part shall provide educational opportunities to all Indian children within that school district on the same terms and under the same conditions that apply to all other students provided that it will not affect the rights of eligible Indian chil- dren to receive benefits from the sup- plemental programs as provided for in this part.
The Flandreau Public School District 50-3 will disseminate relevant applications, evaluations, program plans and information related to educational program and activities with sufficient advance notice to allow the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe and parents of Indian children the opportunity to review and make recommendations.