Examples of Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement in a sentence
That agreement is called the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
By way of overview, the Commission seeks this Honourable Court's guidance through judicial interpretation of express terms set out in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (the “Settlement Agreement”) on questions relating to the Commission's document collection mandate and the corresponding document production obligations of the Defendant Canada.
The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement came into effect on September 19, 2007 and pursuant to its provisions, Canada placed $1.9 billion into a trust fund referred to as the Designated Amount Fund intended to be allocated among eligible claimants for the Common Experience Payment or CEP.
It is “Schedule D” of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
Then, from 2001, negotiations between the federal government and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and its legal advisors, under Fontaine’s lead- ership, further elaborated the meaning of Aboriginal healing, culminating in the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
The Truth and Reconciliation Summary that was undertaken as an element of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement outlines 94 recommendations for achieving a full reconciliation between Canada’s native and non-native peoples.
The teacher will be given an opportunity to resign in lieu of non- renewal.
This may include those who provided support through processes relating to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the Sixties Scoop class action and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
The mandate for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) is outlined in Schedule N of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (2007), which is the agreement reached between former residential school students, the involved Churches1, the Assembly of First Nations, other Aboriginal organizations, and the Government of Canada.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a party to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement made between the Government of Canada, churches (Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian and United) and organizations representing Indigenous people who were enrolled as children in the Canadian Indian Residential Schools System between 1879 and 1996.