Indian student definition

Indian student. ’ means a student who is—
Indian student means a person who is—
Indian student has the meaning given in 25 USC 1801 (a) (7).

Examples of Indian student in a sentence

  • The time required to complete this portion of the information collection per type of respondent is estimated to average: 15 minutes per Indian student certification (ED 506) form; including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.

  • You are not required to complete or submit this form unless you wish for your child(ren) to be included in the Indian student count.

  • An Indian tribe or tribal organization may, by formal action, waive the service agreement of an Indian student for just cause, as deter- mined in accordance with regulations pre- scribed by the Secretary.

  • The Secretary shall, on the basis of the most accurate data available from the institutions, compute the Indian student count for any fiscal year for which such count was not used for the purpose of making allocations under this section.

  • The information collected in § 122.6 is used to determine the eligi- bility of Osage Indian student appli- cants for educational assistance grants.

  • The Secretary shall not provide any funds to any institution which denies admission to any Indian student because such individual is not a member of a specific Indian tribe, or which denies admission to any Indian student because such individual is a member of a specific tribe.

  • Submit a program budget and justification based on the estimated grant amount that the EASIE system calculates from the Indian student count submitted in EASIE Part I.

  • When an Indian student satisfactorily completes the work required by a certain college or school in a school year the student is eligible for additional scholarships, if additional training is necessary to reach the student's educational and vocational objective.

  • Credits or clock hours toward a certificate earned in classes offered during a summer term must be counted toward the computation of the Indian student count in the succeeding fall term.

  • The term ‘‘federally funded higher edu- cation assistance’’ means any grant assistance provided to an Indian student from funds made available for such purpose by contract or grant to an Indian tribe from amounts appro- priated under the authority of section 13 of this title.

More Definitions of Indian student

Indian student means a student ho is—

Related to Indian student

  • Adult student means a student who:

  • Student means a person, other than a person in receipt of a training allowance, who is attending or undertaking—

  • Native Student A student who entered a given college or university without first matriculating at another college.

  • Dependant student means a dependant person who is 21 years or over and:

  • Participating student means a student who has been determined to be

  • Transfer student A student who enters a participating college or university after earning college-level credit at another college or university. Transfer: The process by which a student moves from one postsecondary institution to another. Also refers to the mechanics of credit, course and curriculum exchange between institutions. Advanced Coursework: Courses with advanced depth of content knowledge in the field of study and carry the expectation of more complex competencies identified in the expected student learning outcomes is referred to as advanced coursework. These courses often have prerequisites and are usually beyond the “Introduction to…” or “Foundation of…” level.

  • At-risk student means any identified student who needs additional support and who is not meeting or not expected to meet the established goals of the educational program (academic, personal/social, career/vocational). At-risk students include but are not limited to students in the following groups: homeless children and youth, dropouts, returning dropouts, and potential dropouts.

  • Cooperative education program means a written voluntary agreement between and among districts to provide certain educational programs for pupils in certain groups of districts. The written agreement shall be approved by all affected districts at least annually and shall specify the educational programs to be provided and the estimated number of pupils from each district who will participate in the educational programs.

  • student loan means a loan towards a student’s maintenance pursuant to any regulations made under section 22 of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998, section 73 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 or Article 3 of the Education (Student Support) (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 and includes, in Scotland, a young student’s bursary paid under regulation 4(1)(c) of the Students’ Allowances (Scotland) Regulations 2007.

  • Affordable housing program(s means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

  • Manufactured home park means any tract of land upon which three or more manufactured or mobile homes used for habitation are parked, either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and includes any roadway, building, structure, vehicle, or enclosure used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of the park. "Manufactured home park" does not include any of the following:

  • Dependant non student means a dependant person who is between the ages of 21 and 31

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP means a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with Sections 300.320 through 300.324 of 34 CFR.

  • Affordable housing project means, for purposes of this part, title fourteen of article twenty seven of the environmental conservation law and section twenty-one of the tax law only, a project that is developed for residential use or mixed residential use that must include affordable residential rental units and/or affordable home ownership units.

  • Public School Student Accessing Courses at a Distance means a student who is scheduled for a full course load through the District and attends all classes virtually.

  • Existing Manufactured Home Park or Manufactured Home Subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) was completed before the initial effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the community.

  • Education program means any program that is principally engaged in the provision of education, including, but not limited to, early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, special education, job training, career and technical education, and adult education, and any program that is administered by an educational agency or institution.

  • Loan Program means the State Treasurer’s Interest-Free Loan Program for Colorado School Districts authorized pursuant to the Loan Program Statutes.

  • Dependent student means one who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return

  • Affordable housing development means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.