Infiltration rate definition

Infiltration rate means the rate of water entry into the soil expressed as a depth of water per unit of time (e.g., inches per hour).
Infiltration rate means the rate at which the soil will accept water, expressed in inches per hour, during an irrigation period.
Infiltration rate means the rate of transmission of water through soil, measured in inches per hour, or similar measurement unit.

Examples of Infiltration rate in a sentence

  • Infiltration rate measurements shall be made using manufacturer calibrated insert weirs and sound engineering practices.

  • Once the values of the Infiltration rate are constant, the basic infiltration rate has been reached.

  • Infiltration rate for an open door was calculated for each building using a simplified method that takes into account design wind speed, door area, and building height to a neutral pressure plan (used to estimate the stack effect driven air pressure on the door) of one half the building height and a multiplication coefficient that is a function of door opening frequency.

  • Infiltration rate of cylindrical PC specimens is determined in the laboratory based on a modified version of ASTM C1701.

  • Infiltration rate may be established using the results of soil classification of the infiltration surface.

More Definitions of Infiltration rate

Infiltration rate means the rate at which water penetrates the soil surface, expressed as velocity. The infiltration rate of a given soil varies under saturated and unsaturated conditions.
Infiltration rate means the rate of liquid movement through the soil surface into the ground.
Infiltration rate means the rate at which stormwater percolates into the subsoil measured in inches per hour.
Infiltration rate means a general description of how quickly or slowly water travels through a particular
Infiltration rate means the rate at which water is absorbed into the rail expressed as a depth of water in inches.
Infiltration rate means the rate at which water penetrates the soil surface and enters the soil profile.
Infiltration rate means the rate of water entry into the soil expressed as a depth of water per unit of time(e.g.,inchesperhour).