Examples of Soil profile in a sentence
Soil profile revealed by cutoff trench with esti- mated quantity of seep- age under dam equal to 1,000,000 cu ft/day (without cutoff trench) Figure 2-6.
Soil profile surmised from drill holes with estimated quantity of seepage under dam equal to 3 cu ft/dayb.
Soil profile at Kuzmin test siteSoil profile consists of four distinct layers formed in fluvio-lacustrine environment.
Intensivevegetable gardening over many years during which unused plant materials and organic waste are returned to the Figure 4.4 Soil profile in a long-term garden.soil can produce a thick, dark surface layer of organic matter.
Soil profile consists of 5 to 7 m of soft, organic clayey fill underlay by Stillwater/floodplain facies which can be divided in two distinct layer, top layer of LOC soft clay, 6 meters thick, and bottom layer composed of very soft silty clay interbedded with fine sand.