Soil profile definition

Soil profile means a vertical cross-section of a soil that shows the various soil horizons. Soil drainage or moisture status are both soil characteristics that can be inferred from the soil profile.
Soil profile means a vertical cross-section of undisturbed soil showing the characteristic horizontal layers or horizons of the soil which have formed as a result of the combined effects of parent material, topography, climate, biological activity and time.
Soil profile means the vertical arrangement of uncon- solidated materials into distinct layers or horizons which overlie the bedrock.

Examples of Soil profile in a sentence

  • Soil profile revealed by cutoff trench with esti- mated quantity of seep- age under dam equal to 1,000,000 cu ft/day (without cutoff trench) Figure 2-6.

  • Soil profile surmised from drill holes with estimated quantity of seepage under dam equal to 3 cu ft/dayb.

  • Soil profile at Kuzmin test siteSoil profile consists of four distinct layers formed in fluvio-lacustrine environment.

  • Intensivevegetable gardening over many years during which unused plant materials and organic waste are returned to the Figure 4.4 Soil profile in a long-term garden.soil can produce a thick, dark surface layer of organic matter.

  • Soil profile consists of 5 to 7 m of soft, organic clayey fill underlay by Stillwater/floodplain facies which can be divided in two distinct layer, top layer of LOC soft clay, 6 meters thick, and bottom layer composed of very soft silty clay interbedded with fine sand.

More Definitions of Soil profile

Soil profile means a vertical section of soil containing one or more soil horizons.
Soil profile means a description of the soil strata to a depth of eight feet using the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil classification system method, which can be found in Appendix B, Department Circular DEQ-4.
Soil profile means a detailed description of the soil strata to a specific depth. The description can be expressed using the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Classification System or the Unified Soil Classification System.
Soil profile means a description of the soil strata to a depth of eight feet using the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil classification system method in Appendix B. 1.2. 85. Soil texture means the amount of sand, silt, or clay measured separately in a soil mixture. 1.2. 86. Surge tank means a watertight structure or container that is used to buffer flows. 1.2. 87. Synthetic drainage fabric means a nonwoven drainage fabric with a minimum weight per square yard of 4 ounces, a water flow rate of 100 to 200 gallons per minute per square foot, and an apparent opening size equivalent to a No. 50 to No. 110 sieve. 1.2. 88. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) means solids in wastewater that can be removed by standard filtering procedures in a laboratory and is reported as milligrams per liter (mg/L). 1.2. 89. Transport pipe means the pipe leading from the septic tank or dose tank to the distribution box or manifold. 1.2. 90. Uniformity coefficient (UC) means the sieve size in millimeters (mm) that allows 60 percent of the material to pass (D60), divided by the sieve size in mm allowing 10 percent of the material to pass (D10), as determined by ASTM C 117-95 (UC=D60/D10). 1.2.91. Uniform distribution is a means to distribute effluent into a pressure dosed absorption system or sand filter such that the difference in flow, measured in gallons per day per square foot, throughout the treatment system is less than 10 percent. 1.2.92. Waste segregation means a method by which human toilet waste is disposed of through composting, chemical, dehydrating, or incinerator treatment, with a separate disposal method for gray water. 1.2.93. Wastewater means water-carried waste including, but not limited to, household, commercial, or industrial wastes, chemicals, human excreta, or animal and vegetable matter in suspension or solution. 1.2.94. Wastewater treatment system or wastewater disposal system means a system that receives wastewater for purposes of treatment, storage, or disposal. The term includes all disposal methods described in this Circular. 1.2.95. Wet well means a chamber in a pumping station, including a submersible pump station, where wastewater collects.
Soil profile means a detailed description of the soil strata to a depth of at least eight
Soil profile means an excavation of sufficient size and depth to allow thorough examination of the soil to evaluate its suitability for sewage disposal.
Soil profile means the soil layer below ground level to a depth of 0,90 m or to the average highest groundwater level where that level is less than 0,90 m below ground level;