Initial Beneficial Ownership definition
Examples of Initial Beneficial Ownership in a sentence
SRC Rule 23 of the Securities Regulation Code requires directors and officers of reporting and public companies to submit SEC Form 23-A (Initial Beneficial Ownership Report) on their election or appointment of its beneficial ownership on its Issuer’s securities and SEC Form 23-B (Changes in Beneficial Ownership Report) on any change in such beneficial ownership.
A Compliance Officer of the Company shall review the Initial Beneficial Ownership Reports, Annual Beneficial Ownership Reports, and Quarterly Transaction Reports received, and as appropriate, compare the reports with the preclearance forms received, and report in writing, no less frequently than annually, to the Company's Board of Directors issues arising under the Code since the last report relating to material violations of the Code and sanctions imposed on the violator.
Penalties or fines may likewise be imposed by the regulators for the late filing of SEC Form 23-A (Initial Beneficial Ownership Report) and SEC Form 23-B (Changes in Beneficial Ownership Report) of the directors and officers based on Rule 23 of the Securities Regulation Code as well as the requirement of Section 13 (Disclosure on Transactions of Directors and Principal Officers in the Issuer’s Securities) and Section 17.5 (Reports on Beneficial Ownership) of PSE Revised Disclosure Rules.
Each Access Person will submit to a Compliance Officer of the Company an Initial Beneficial Ownership Report in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A that lists any Securities, other than Non-Reportable Securities, in which the Access Person has a Beneficial Interest.
The Company will assist directors and officers in preparing and filing the following Section 16 reports but each individual director and officer is responsible for the timing and contents of his or her reports: • Form 3, Initial Beneficial Ownership Statement.
SECTION 3.1 Initial Beneficial Ownership.....................................................................
SECTION 3.1 Initial Beneficial Ownership........................................................................
SECTION 3.1 Initial Beneficial Ownership.............................................
Each Access Person will submit to a Compliance Officer of the Company an Initial Beneficial Ownership Report in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT A that lists ANY Securities, other than Non-Reportable Securities, in which the Access Person has a Beneficial Interest.
SECTION 3.1 Initial Beneficial Ownership.......................................