Examples of Innovation Partnership in a sentence
To ensure skills provision is adapted to local economic and social needs and provides the best value for money, the Cardiff Capital Region will strengthen the existing Learning, Skills and Innovation Partnership.
A higher 80% co-financing rate shall apply for environmental, climate and other management commitments; for area-specific disadvantages resulting from certain mandatory requirements; for non-productive investments; for support for the European Innovation Partnership and for LEADER.
With a view to a better alignment with the Europe 2020 strategy, notably in terms of resource efficiency, it will be increasingly essential to improve agricultural productivity through research, knowledge transfer and promoting cooperation and innovation (including through the European Innovation Partnership on agricultural productivity and sustainability).
Addis Ababa, 4-5 April 2016) for the EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security & Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
FNSSA Africa:In 2016 the EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue on science, technology and innovation (HLPD) has adopted the roadmap (Roadmap towards a jointly funded EU-Africa Research & Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture.
Mini competition within a Framework or a Dynamic purchasing System Other procurement procedures include Competitive Procedure with Negotiation, Competitive Dialogue and Innovation Partnership.
The partnership is a ten-year flexible research and innovation programme for which a long-term governance mechanism needs to be created.Scope: The funded proposal will create a support structure for the implementation of the EU- Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security & Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
In line with the priority areas of the European Innovation Partnership on Water, the current challenge is twofold: (i) ensuring proper implementation in a way which yields cost-effective, resource efficient and legally compliant results, and (ii) ensuring an ability to deal with emerging issues in this field.Priority will be therefore given to the following projects:Water, floods and drought - Annex III, section A points (a)(i)-(ii)1.
They should build links with the European Innovation Partnership "Agricultural productivity and sustainability" and showcase good practices to be replicated.
For example, if initial research showed that the desired solution was unlikely to be achieved, the authority could then stop the Innovation Partnership process rather than making further, potentially fruitless, commitment to it.