Examples of Inshore Exclusion Zone in a sentence
Inshore Exclusion Zone 1) An inshore exclusion zone, the breadth of which shall be six nautical miles seawards of the low-water line along the coast as marked on official large-scale charts, shall be reserved solely for the use of subsistence, artisanal and semi-industrial fishing activities and artisanal fishing vessels.
With an Atlantic coastline of approximately 570km and a continental shelf averaging 34km in width, the marine fishing grounds of Liberia cover 186 322.2km² within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).1 In 2017, Liberia’s Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ) was reduced from six to three nautical miles, and is reserved for artisanal and semi-industrial fishing activities.2 Liberia’s continental shelf area has considerable marine fish species.
Total known industrial fishing vessels was thus 300, at least 250 of which were fishing without a license, for a minimum value of 83% serious infractions observed per every known industrial fishing vessel (inclusion of infraction to the Inshore Exclusion Zone would increase this value).
SCHEDULES First Schedule - Regulation 4(1) - Inshore Exclusion Zone Second Schedule - Regulation 16 (1b) - Licence Application Form.
The first two years of implementation (2011 and 2012) were characterized by effective anti-IUU actions and successful enforcement of the country’s Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ) and waters outside the IEZ to the extent that it was applauded regionally as a model practice.
Total known industrial fishing vessels was thus 300, at least 250 of which were fishing without a license, for a minimum value of 83% serious infractions observed per every known industrial fishing vessel (inclusion of infraction to the Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ) would increase this value).
With the establishment of fishing zones, including an Inshore Exclusion Zone (IEZ), a satellite based vessel monitoring system (VMS) for strict monitoring of vessel activity, and a restrictive licensing scheme on foreign industrial trawlers, Liberia fish stocks have/are recovering well.
Beyond the Inshore Exclusion Zone, which stretches 6 nautical miles from the baseline of Sierra Leone's Exclusive Economic Zone, industrial fishing primarily operates at an average depth of 30 meters.
The amendment and re- peal implement changes made by House Bill 259, 86th Legisla- ture, Regular Session (2019), which prohibits named driver auto policies.EXPLANATION.
The performance indicators referred to above in paragraph (a) consist of the following: number of TURFs that have been legally established in targeted coastal fisheries; the percentage of all licensed industrial vessels that are observed fishing within the Inshore Exclusion Zone; and the volume of exports from coastal demersal fisheries and from shrimp fisheries.