Insurance risk definition
Insurance risk means an uncertainty regarding the ultimate amount of
Insurance risk means the level of probability of the occurrence of an insured event caused by insured peril.
Examples of Insurance risk in a sentence
Insurance risk arises from this risk transfer due to inherent uncertainties about the occurrence, amount and timing of insurance liabilities.
Insurance risk is defined as the risk of fluctuations in the timing, frequency and severity of insured events and claims settlements, relative to expectations.
Insurance risk is significant if, and only if, an insured event could cause the Group to pay significant additional benefits.
Insurance risk is transferred when an insurer agrees to compensate a policyholder if a specified uncertain future event adversely affects the policyholder.
Insurance risk is risk other than financial risk that is transferred from the holder of a contract to the issuer.
More Definitions of Insurance risk
Insurance risk means the objective likelihood of proprietary and non- proprietary losses occurring in uncertain circumstances that are unknown to, and independent from, the will of the insured person;
Insurance risk means an uncertainty regarding the ultimate amount of any claim payment (underwriting risk) or an uncertainty regarding the timing of the payments (timing risk), or both.
Insurance risk has the definition provided in Section 4.01.
Insurance risk has the meaning assigned in Section 6.1.
Insurance risk has the definition provided in Section 5.1.
Insurance risk shall also include, except as otherwise expressly provided for herein, all regulatory, tax and actuarial issues relating to the design, cash values and benefits contents of the Policies.
Insurance risk means the mortality or morbidity risk for any Policy of UFL or, after Closing, UFL or PNL.