Examples of Interim Financial Information in a sentence
Scope of ReviewWe conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity”.
The Interim Financial Information is presented in Renminbi (“RMB”), unless otherwise stated.
SCOPE OF REVIEWWe conducted our review in accordance with Hong Kong Standard on Review Engagements 2410 “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
The preparation of the Interim Financial Information requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense.
Scope of Review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity”.