Examples of International Telecommunication Convention in a sentence
The CONCESSIONAIRE shall be a recognized operating agency within the meaning of the Annex to the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union and may participate in the Sectors of the Union in accordance with Article 19 (No. 229 and subsequent) of the International Telecommunication Convention, Geneva 1992.
The Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being annexed to, the most recent International Telecommunication Convention which may be in force at any time.
The primary treaties and other international agreements in force relating to radio communication and to which the United States is a party are as follows:The International Telecommunication Convention was signed at Nairobi on November 6, 1982.
The following definitions supplement those contained in the International Telecommunication Convention and in the Radio Regulations.
ITU distributes copies of the International Telecommunication Convention, the ITU Constitution, Radio Regulations, and other documents, to administrations of Members States and recognised operating agencies.
Source C 35 (CEPT) SUP: 6.3 and 6.3.1. Source: C 16 (SG3RG-AFR), C 24 (SG3RG-LAC), C 27 (SG3RG-AO), C 28 (USA), C 34 (Global Voice Group), C35 (CEPT) 6.3.2 In accordance with relevant provisions of the International Telecommunication Convention, this provision shall not affect the possibility open to administrations* of establishing bilateral arrangements for mutually acceptable coefficients between the monetary unit of the IMF and the gold franc.
The telecommunication services will be operated in accordance with the International Telecommunication Convention and Regulations and the frequencies on which such stations may operate will be decided upon in co-operation with the Government of [the stricken EAPC nation].
The school’s ethos and culture is explicit in its promotion of inclusion, love and support for all its stakeholders.Keeping Chidren Safe in Education (September 2020) has added children’s mental health to its guidance and staff should consider when this might become a safeguarding concern.
The procedures for preparation, submission, verification, acceptance and settlement of accounts shall be in accordance with the appropriate rules in the "Telephone Regulations” annexed to the International Telecommunication Convention, provided that the payments by the debtor Administration to the Creditor Administration, shall, for the present, be in Indian currency at the official conversion rate.
Signed Williamsburg, VA, June 16, 1994) The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States, the Parties, desiring to continue their mutual understanding and cooperation regarding telecommunications services, recognizing the sovereign right of both countries to manage their telecommunications, taking into account the provisions of Article 24 of the International Telecommunication Convention Nairobi, 1982, and Article 6 of the 3.9.2 3-24 January 2021 Edition (Rev.