Examples of Invasive Plants Regulation in a sentence
For the purpose of section 47 (Invasive plants) of the Act, a person who prepares a forest stewardship plan must specify measures in the plan to prevent the introduction or spread of species of plants that are invasive plants under the Invasive Plants Regulation, if the introduction or spread is likely to be the result of the person's forest practices.
A person who prepares a forest stewardship plan must specify measures in the plan to prevent the introduction or spread of species of plants that are invasive plants under the Invasive Plants Regulation, if the introduction is likely to be a result of the person’s forest practices.41Applicable Area: The LLCF FDU.
CLCCF-1 In respect of the objective, invasive plant species are those identified in Section 2 of the Invasive Plants Regulation.
For the purpose of Section 14 of the WLPPR, a person who prepares a WLP must “specify measures in the holder’s woodlot license plan to prevent the introduction or spread of species of plants prescribed in the Invasive Plants Regulation, if the introduction or spread is likely to be the result of the holder’s forest practices”.
Section 47 of FRPA requires any person carrying out a forest or range practice to carry out measures that are (a) specified in the applicable operational plan, or (b) authorized by the minister, to prevent the introduction or spread of invasive plant species listed in FRPA’s Invasive Plants Regulation.
A person who prepares a forest stewardship plan must specify measures in the plan to prevent the introduction or spread of species of plants that are invasive plants under the Invasive Plants Regulation, if the introduction is likely to be a result of the person’s forest practices.45Applicable Area: The LLCF FDU.
Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Management Noxious weeds and invasive plants are already determined to cause damage (hence are designated under the Weed Control Act or Invasive Plants Regulation under the Forest and Range Practices Act).
Initial regulatory measures implemented in 2013 to improve business registration have slowed considerably.
During the post-randomization periods of Studies 3079 and 3103, the pattern of SAEs shown in the table below was observed.
Priority species will be as defined by the Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) listed on the following website: http://columbiashuswapinvasives.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/CSISS-Invasive-Plant- Priority-Ranking-List-20171.pdf and, as indicated in FRPA Invasive Plants Regulation http://www.bclaws.ca/Recon/document/ID/freeside/18_2004 Section 2.