Examples of InvestEU Programme in a sentence
The contribution of the InvestEU Programme to the achievement of this overall target will be tracked through an EU climate tracking system.
To support the full use of the potential of the Invest EU Programme to contribute to climate objectives, the Commission will seek to identify relevant actions throughout the InvestEU Programme preparation, implementation, review and evaluation processes.
Blending operations decided under this Programme shall be implemented in accordance with the InvestEU Programme and Title X of the Financial Regulation.
IntroductionAnnex 3 summarises the main findings of related programmes relevant for the InvestEU Programme.
It lays down the objectives of the InvestEU Programme, the budget and the amount of the EU guarantee for the period 2021 to 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.
The InvestEU Programme should also contribute to the support of European culture and creativity.
Underpinned by an EU guarantee, the InvestEU Fund will contribute to the modernisation of the EU budget and will increase the impact of the EU budget by "doing more with less".The InvestEU Programme should have the capacity to shape the EU strategy to tackle the subdued investment activity in Europe.
As single investment support scheme for internal Union policies, the InvestEU Programme is both a policy instrument and a delivery tool.
The InvestEU Programme could be also open to third countries that are members of the European Free Trade Association, acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidate countries, countries covered by the Neighbourhood policy and other countries, in accordance with the conditions laid down between the Union and those countries.
Moreover, effective rules for managing conflicts of interest will be put in place to ensure segregation of duties, and proper verification at all governance levels will be consistently maintained.Figure 8 - Current governance for EFSI and FIs vs the proposed governance under InvestEU Proposed InvestEU Programme governance Source: Commission servicesMoreover, the governance structure of the InvestEU Programme reflects its reinforced policy orientation and strengthened steer by the Commission.