Examples of Investment Funds Act in a sentence
EXPLANATION: The New York Prudent Management of Investment Funds Act (NYPMIFA), enacted in 2010 as part of the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, provides for the release or modification of donor-imposed restrictions on gifts under certain circumstances.
Without deviating from the provisions of Chapter 2, §21 of the Swedish Investment Funds Act, the following applies regarding the management company’s liabilities:The management company is not liable for damages due to Swedish or foreign legal statutes, measures taken by Swedish or foreign authorities, event of war, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout, interruptions in data communications or other similar circumstances.
As a licensed fund administrator pursuant to the provisions of the Bermuda Investment Funds Act, the Administrator performs certain administrative services on behalf of the Company.
Without deviating from the provisions of Chapter 3 14–16 §§ of the Swedish Investment Funds Act, the following applies regarding the depositary’s liabilities:In the event that the depositary has lost financial instruments deposited with the depositary, the depositary shall without undue delay return financial instruments of the same kind or issue an amount of equivalent value to the management company on behalf of the fund.
The Fund is a “Specialfond” according to the Swedish Managers of Alternative Investment Funds Act (2013:561) chapter 12, herein called the “LAIF”.
The funds and their legal status The legal character of the funds The UCITS funds and non-UCITS funds of Handelsbanken Fonder are regulated by the Swedish Investment Funds Act (2004:46) and the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (2013:561).
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York authorizes the release of restrictions on various funds at Brooklyn College (as listed on Schedule A annexed hereto) and further authorizes those funds to be used for the purposes indicated on Schedule A, upon prior notice to the New York State Attorney General, as and if required by the New York Prudent Management of Investment Funds Act.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York authorizes the release of restrictions on various funds at Lehman College (as listed on Schedule A annexed hereto) and further authorizes those funds to be used for the purposes indicated on Schedule A, upon prior notice to the New York State Attorney General, as and if required by the New York Prudent Management of Investment Funds Act.
C.15• Community Small Business Investment Funds Act, S.O 1992, c.18.• Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act, 1993, S.O. 1993, c.
The parent company of the entire UniCredit group is UniCredit S.p.A, Milan.Custodian Bank’s main activitiesThe Custodian Bank’s activities are derived from the Investment Companies and Investment Funds Act, and are specified further in the depositary contract.