Examples of Investment Funds Act in a sentence
EXPLANATION: The New York Prudent Management of Investment Funds Act (NYPMIFA), enacted in 2010 as part of the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, provides for the release or modification of donor-imposed restrictions on gifts under certain circumstances.
The Fund’s investment strategy may change under the conditions set out in Section 207 of the Investment Companies and Investment Funds Act.
Without deviating from the provisions of Chapter 2, §21 of the Swedish Investment Funds Act, the following applies regarding the management company’s liabilities:The management company is not liable for damages due to Swedish or foreign legal statutes, measures taken by Swedish or foreign authorities, event of war, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout, interruptions in data communications or other similar circumstances.
The depositary shall execute the management company’s instructions relating to the fund as long as it is not in conflict with the provisions of the Swedish Investment Funds Act or any other regulation or the fund rules and ensure that: 1.
The depositary’s duties are governed by the Swedish Investment Funds Act and the EU Commission’s delegated regulation (EU) 2016/438 of December 17, 2015 supplementing the European Parliament and of the European Council Directive 2009/65/EC in regards of requirements for depositaries.
For example, DOD excludes Congressional adds for C-17 aircraft, a transport aircraft that has seen heavy use in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Without deviating from the provisions of Chapter 3 14–16 §§ of the Swedish Investment Funds Act, the following applies regarding the depositary’s liabilities:In the event that the depositary has lost financial instruments deposited with the depositary, the depositary shall without undue delay return financial instruments of the same kind or issue an amount of equivalent value to the management company on behalf of the fund.
As a licensed fund administrator pursuant to the provisions of the Bermuda Investment Funds Act, the Administrator performs certain administrative services on behalf of the Company.
Arrangements for the transfer of shares in the Investee Companies into the names of the Investors will be made under the terms of Section 6 of the Designated Investment Funds Act 1985.
Investors shall be entitled to have their Investment Shares redeemed by the Investment Company, which is required to redeem such Investment Shares under the conditions laid down in the Investment Companies and Investment Funds Act and in the Prospectus.