Examples of Iowa sex offender registry in a sentence
The department of public safety’s rules regarding the Iowa sex offender registry are published in Division III of 661—Chapter 83.
The department of public safety’s rules regarding the Iowa sex offender registry are published in 661—Chapter 83.[ARC 8496B, IAB 1/27/10, effective 3/3/10] 201—38.3(692A) Sex offender risk assessment.
The department of public safety’s rules regarding the Iowa sex offender registry are published in 661—Chapter 83.[ARC 8496B, IAB 1/27/10, effective 3/3/10; ARC 3929C, IAB 8/1/18, effective 9/5/18; see Delay note at end of chapter; ARC4152C, IAB 12/5/18, effective 11/14/18] 201—38.3(692A) Sex offender risk assessment.
The Iowa sex offender registry, as authorized by Iowa Code chapter 692A, is hereby established in the division of criminal investigation.
The following forms and procedures are prescribed for use with the Iowa sex offender registry.
The department of public safety’s rules regarding the Iowa sex offender registry are published in 661—Chapter 83.[ARC 8496B, IAB 1/27/10, effective 3/3/10; ARC 3929C, IAB 8/1/18, effective 9/5/18; see Delay note at end of chapter] 201—38.3(692A) Sex offender risk assessment.
The sheriff of the new county of residence shall be responsible for transmitting a copy of completed Form DCI-145 to the Iowa sex offender registry.
Supplies of these forms may be obtained by contacting the Iowa sex offender registry at the division of criminal investigation.
The director of the risk assessment committee shall provide Form DCI-144, Notification of Registration Requirement, which notifies offenders of their duty to register with the Iowa sex offender registry.
Form DCI-144, “Notification of Registration Requirement,” which notifies offenders of their duty to register with the Iowa sex offender registry shall be provided to persons iden- tified as being required to register.