Examples of Islamic marriage in a sentence
For example, there is no traditional Islamic marriage rite other than the witnessing of the contract and the public transfer of the bride to the house of the groom.
However, outside of Islamic marriage, recognising a duty to support when a relationship ended would require either a radical development of the law or an express (and probably written) contract.
The traditional form in an Islamic marriage usually requires the partner to make the profession of faith which converts a person to Islam as a prior condition.
While the Khan case involved simultaneous Islamic marriages, the Islamic marriage in Rose v Rose was concluded at a time when the man was already a spouse in a civil marriage.
Written communication to Crisis Group from a UN expert, 13 April 2009.86 Officials and civic activists noted that both practices are becoming more widespread due to the growth of polygamy and the preference for an Islamic marriage (performed by an imam and not registered with secular authorities).
But, because of the lack of knowledge of many about our religion, they use it against women.82Marriage, divorce and inheritance are just some of the issues that should be addressed to reconcile sharia and secularism in the lives of women.Nikoh, or the Islamic marriage, is becoming increasingly common throughout Central Asia, particularly in rural areas.83 While nikoh is growing in popularity and convention, proper conduct of taloq – divorce or separation – has found less of a following.
This is considered a main goal of Islamic marriage in classical jurisprudence.
Perhaps the court could appoint a mediator who is familiar with the practices of Islamic marriage and divorce, who could work with the couple to come to an agreement that respects their traditions and feels fair to both.
I have recently examined how the phrase sheria za ndoa, “the laws of marriage,” may be used as a euphemism for the healthy sexual relationship that is considered a legal requirement of the ideal Islamic marriage in Zanzibar.66Secondly, it is clear that many people perceive a change in Zanzibari legal consciousness and a corresponding change in the way that disputes are handled.
Muslim marriage (using an Islamic marriage contract or nikah)25 and divorce approved by an imam are examples of traditional rituals—in the language of dispute theory, private-ordering processes26—that are important to many Muslim families in North America in the same way that any community tends to turn to its customs in times of transition and crisis.