Itinerary definition

Itinerary. A detailed list of THE CARRIER’s flights framed within a schedule, or the total number of flights operated regularly by THE CARRIER. It may include equipment, schedules, routes and frequency.
Itinerary means a notification of the air transport services, issued for the passenger based on a booking process, which contains the name and the flight details (the departure airport, the arrival airport), the departure time, the arrival time, the seat number (in case this is reserved), but also references to The General Terms and Carriage Conditions.

Examples of Itinerary in a sentence

  • I/We, the undersigned, agree and accept the terms of the agreement and to the Itinerary, Payment Schedule, Charges, Unit amenities as listed.

  • However, some activities contained within an Itinerary may have a different age restriction than the overall minimum age requirement, in which case details will be provided at the time of booking.

  • Price Changes with Final Tour Person(s), Date of Travel, Final Itinerary inclusions.

More Definitions of Itinerary

Itinerary refers to the particularized schedule for a Trip. References herein to “Traveler” or “you” shall apply to each and any of the following: a party participating in an offered Trip and/or the party who purchases (or attempts to purchase) a Trip for themselves and/or others, including their Parent or Legal Guardian who accepts these Terms and Conditions on their behalf if the party participating is not of legal age or cannot otherwise enter into a binding legal contract on their own behalf. All bookings of Trips are also subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Supplier of the Service(s) incorporated in a Trip. By placing an order with PFL, you agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the applicable Suppliers without reservation, and to be bound by the limitations therein. If the Supplier’s terms and conditions are ever in conflict with the Terms and Conditions of PFL, PFL’s will control all issues relating to the liabilities and responsibilities of PFL. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, ask us any questions you have about them and/or consult an attorney before you agree to be bound by them. Traveler acknowledges that they have taken note of these Terms and Conditions before making a booking and have accepted the same by clicking the box labeled “I Agree to PFL’s Terms and Conditions” during our online booking process. Without this acceptance, the processing of a booking is not possible. Quotes Quotes are estimates only, prepared in good faith and based on the conditions and availability at the time the quote was prepared. NO SPACE OR SERVICES ARE HELD until your booking is confirmed. Prices quoted are in U.S. Dollars and are based upon current fares, tariffs and exchange rates, and subject to adjustment without prior notification. We reserve the right to adjust the quote in the event of pricing errors.
Itinerary means a travel itinerary confirming details of the services provided by the Travel Supplier;
Itinerary means the detailed record held by Qantas, a oneworld® Alliance Airline or an Airline Partner of a journey or intended journey;
Itinerary means the document we issue to a Passenger that includes the Passenger's name, flight information, booking number, Conditions of Contract and notices.
Itinerary refers to the particularized schedule for a Program. References herein to “Participant,” “you,” or “your” shall apply to each and any of the following: a party participating in an offered Program (the traveling Participant) and their Parent or Legal Guardian who purchases the Program and accepts these Terms and Conditions on their behalf if the party participating is not of legal age to enter into a binding legal contract on their own behalf (the purchasing Participant). All bookings of Programs are also subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Supplier of the Service(s) incorporated in a Program. By placing an order with Protocolo Tours, you agree to abide by all the Terms and Conditions of the applicable Suppliers without reservation, and to be bound by the limitations therein. If the Supplier’s Terms and Conditions are ever in conflict with the Terms and Conditions of Protocolo Tours, Protocolo Tours’ will control all issues relating to the liabilities and responsibilities of Protocolo Tours. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, ask us any questions you have about them, and consult your attorney before you agree to be bound by them. Participant acknowledges that they have taken note of these Terms and Conditions before making a booking and have accepted the same by checking the “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions” box. When Parent or Legal Guardian is purchasing a Program for one or more Participants, checking the “I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions” box verifies that Parent or Legal Guardian: (1) has informed all Participants of these Terms and Conditions and supplied them copy of the same; (2) has full authority on behalf of all the persons whose names appear thereon to accept the Terms & Conditions on their behalf, including for Participants who are not of legal age to accept these Terms and Conditions on their own behalf; (3) agrees to be responsible for any error in the accuracy of information they provide us in regards to those Participants; and (4) warrants that the traveling Participant(s), after consideration and with an opportunity to consult legal counsel, also agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, including the limitations of liabilities and cancellation policies herein. Without this acceptance, the processing of a booking is not technically possible. Therefore, by placing an order with Protocolo Tours, you (and all Participants in your group) agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions wi...
Itinerary. Means a schedule setting forth the name of the relevant passenger(s), the flight, flight number, class of flight, flight times, as well as the Origin and Destination of the flight issued to a passenger on payment of the appropriate rates and charges in respect of that flight.“Marketing Carrier”Means the carrier that sells flights under its code.“Marketing Partner”Means the partner selling transportation in its name and that is the holder of a licence issued by the Agency under Part II of the Canada Transportation Act.“Miscellaneous Charge Order (MCO)”Means a document, which may be used as a future travel voucher valid from one year from the date of issuance. This document may also, for instance, be issued for residual value of a ticket, collection of miscellaneous charges, refundable balances or compensation provided in the case of a denied boarding situation.“Misconnection”Occurs at a connection point when a passenger holding confirmed space is or will be unable to use the accommodation out of the connecting point because Air Borealis was unable to deliver them to the connecting point in time to connect with the other flight due to late arrival of his/her flight at the connecting point, or cancellation of their flight at point of origin or enroute.“Non Ambulatory”A person who is not able to move about within an aircraft unassisted.“Non Self Reliant”A person who is not self reliant as defined below. Operating Carrier Means the carrier that operates the aircraft. “Origin” Means the point from which a charter flight commences with passengers or goods to be transported.“Outbound Flight”Means the flight on which a passenger originally held confirmed space beyond the point where the schedule irregularity or failure to carry or misconnection occurs.“Overbooking/Oversold”Is the result of selling more seats than the available number of seats on a flight?“Participating Carrier(s)”Includes both the selecting carrier and down line carriers who have been identified as providing interline transportation to the passenger by virtue of the passenger’s ticket“Passenger”Means any person, except member of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with the consent of AIR BOREALIS pursuant to a charter agreement.“Passenger Liability”Means the legal liability of AIR BOREALIS to any passenger or other person in respect of a passenger, arising from AIR BOREALIS ’ operation, ownership or possession of any aircraft, for:a) injury or death of persons who are passengers;b) lo...